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What is a Plandemic?

A term coined by individuals who have studied and discovered significant evidence that:

  1. The virus was engineered by man and not naturally evolved from bats and released via wet market in Wuhan, China.
  2. COVID hysteria is used to enact a global population mass vaccination agenda which was simultaneously directed at taking away human rights and liberties.

Therefore, it is believed the epidemic was planned – plandemic.

Dr. Paul Marik

source:  Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID and It’s NOT the ‘Vaccines’

I think the preponderance of evidence highly suggests this was a manipulated virus that whether it leaked on accident or by design leaked from the Wuhan laboratory … the molecular structure of the spike protein would suggest that this was a manipulated the protein was specifically manipulated and enhanced …

The diversity of the symptoms, the systems it involves, the depth of damage it does and the durability of the damage — that first it causes the acute and then it becomes long COVID and then it just keeps sitting with us — I have not seen any other virus in my lifetime, which does this kind of destruction.

Plandemic 1

Plandemic 2

Anthony Fauci

  • Anthony Fauci said:  “And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … is that there is no question that there will be a challenge the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.”  (Georgetown University forum on pandemic preparedness that occurred in January of 2017, days before President Donald Trump took office) –
  • Full video:
  • Anthony Fauci Holds Patents On HIV Component Used To Create COVID-19
    • Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on four U.S patents for a key glycoprotein that seems to have been inserted into the SARS virus to create COVID-19.
    •, a legal portal, lists patents by inventor Anthony Fauci involving a glycoprotein in HIV-1.

      This same glycoprotein, identified as Glycoprotein 120, or simply as GP120, has also been found to be a key component of the current COVID-19, a disease that appears to combine a HIV-1 attack on the human immune system, with SARS CoV-1, the pathogen from the original SARS

      Medical scientists in India reported four intersections in the spike glycoprotein that are unique to COVID-19 and not present in other coronaviruses. The article was taken down after it was suggested that Covid-19 was created in a lab by inserting the glycoprotein from HIV-1 into a SARS virus.

Bill Gates

  • Trusting Bill Gates?
    • He is pro-vaccine, to a point where the product is always the solution to any problem.  This is irrational.  The pro-vaccine agenda is a religion, and Bill Gates is a high priest of it.  He has invested a lot of money and effort into the vaccine agenda and he stands to lose a lot from other solutions (e.g. off patent, highly effective drugs like Ivermectin).
  • “If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war,” Gates said during a 2015 Ted Talk. “We’ve actually invested very little in a system to stop an epidemic. We’re not ready for the next epidemic.”
  • Derek Muller’s YouTube channel Veritasium:  “Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. So that means the chance of running into this is more than just the naturally caused epidemics like the current one,” he said.
  • Gates said the world could prepare for the next pandemic by advancing mRNA research, the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, increasing testing to 10 million PCR tests a day and making more investments in diagnostic machines and therapeutics.
    • Note:  PCR testing is fraudulent.  Kary Mullis said it is not useful to make clinical diagnosis because you can find a molecule of something in everything you look at.  He invented the PCR test.  In the USA, 40 cycles of amplification is used in PCR testing which will providing an overwhelming number of positive results.

WHO Changes the definition of Herd Immunity

  • Dr. Robert Malone (2021.08.08) noticed that the WHO changed the definition of herd immunity.
  • Incidentally, Big Tech (Facebook) is using the WHO as authority for defining scientific concepts.

I know the basic anatomy of these agreements and nothing is missing that I’d expect to be present, and I’ve seen no clues that suggests it’s fake.

– AFLDS Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon

  • Yeadon:  “the most stunning revelation,” –> “if there are any laws or regulations in your country under which Pfizer could be prosecuted, you agree to CHANGE THE LAW OR REGULATION to close that off.
  • Information security expert Ehden Biber told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS)

As you are about to see, there is a good reason why Pfizer was fighting to hide the details of these contracts

If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which states that even if a drug will be found to treat COVID-19, the contract cannot be voided.

Information security expert Ehden Biber

  • “Long-term effects and efficacy: ‘Purchaser acknowledges…the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.’

The Albanian Contract is Similar to a South American Contract


Articles:  Plandemic

57049 February 6, 2024 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Study
57039 February 6, 2024 Myocarditis paper – Dr Peter McCullough / Dr. John Campbell Interview
56878 October 1, 2023 COVID-19 Vaccines Resulted in 17 Million Deaths, Scientific Report Said
56816 August 13, 2023 Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was “Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People,” “Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom”
56803 August 11, 2023 More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers?
56792 August 6, 2023 Dr. John Campbell: The Cause of Myocarditis
56762 July 13, 2023 84% Jabbed Peru Declares Health Emergency After Guillain-Barre Outbreak
56735 July 2, 2023 Unvaxxed Amish Death Rates 90 Times Lower Than Rest of America
56726 July 1, 2023 Top NIH Official Advised COVID Scientists That He Uses Personal Email To Evade FOIA
56676 June 24, 2023 Over 500 Excess Heart Deaths a WEEK in England Since COVID-19 Began

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56816 August 13, 2023 Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was “Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People,” “Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom”
56700 June 29, 2023 Klaus Schwab praises CCP for adopting ‘COVID control measures’ at WEF ‘Summer Davos’ in China
56627 June 7, 2023 Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening
56621 June 6, 2023 WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports
56589 May 29, 2023 Pfizer’s “Charitable” Donations Align Perfectly With Influencing “Vaccine” Pushers
56584 May 28, 2023 Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance
56577 May 28, 2023 WHO do you think you are? Outrage over ‘unprecedented land grab’ that ‘could see World Health Organization force Britain, the US and Australia into lockdowns in future pandemics’
56400 April 25, 2023 Justin Trudeau Rewrites History By Now Saying He Never Forced Anyone To Get Vaccinated
55813 November 12, 2022 Australian Vaccine Passports
55644 November 3, 2022 Unearthed Audio Clip Confirms The Plan for Event 201 Was Hatched at the World Economic Forum’s Davos 2019

Articles:  World Economic Forum

56816 August 13, 2023 Sen. Ron Johnson: Covid-19 Was “Preplanned By An Elite Group Of People,” “Planned For Our Loss Of Freedom”
56700 June 29, 2023 Klaus Schwab praises CCP for adopting ‘COVID control measures’ at WEF ‘Summer Davos’ in China
56627 June 7, 2023 Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening
55813 November 12, 2022 Australian Vaccine Passports
55762 November 12, 2022 Pre-pandemic Event 201 coronavirus simulation was devised at infamous World Economic Forum confab in Davos
55644 November 3, 2022 Unearthed Audio Clip Confirms The Plan for Event 201 Was Hatched at the World Economic Forum’s Davos 2019
55523 October 29, 2022 Event 201: organizers of WEF-Gates pre-Covid simulation warned of ‘similar pandemic in the future’
55354 October 20, 2022 The Big Reset – the censored documentary about the truth of the pandemic
54759 August 12, 2022 WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World
53870 July 8, 2022 The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF)

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56422 April 30, 2023 Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells Joe Rogan: Covid “Vaccine” INCREASES Risk of Hospitalization and Death
56383 April 24, 2023 Confidential Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022
56325 April 23, 2023 The FDA responded: “FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.”
56319 April 16, 2023 Covid Doctor Who Left Hospital Job Has a Vision for Health Care
56863 March 27, 2023 Saliba v. Allied Pilots Ass’n
56313 March 12, 2023 United Airlines Flight Diverted – Incapacitated Pilot In Hospital
56289 February 28, 2023 1762 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1221 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
56282 February 28, 2023 Cardiac testing at Washington public event found 53% myocarditis rate, including 2 active duty US military pilots – what does it mean?
56259 February 24, 2023 Pfizer found to have covered up injuries and deaths of study participants in their clinical covid-19 vaccine trials
56248 February 17, 2023 Rand Paul Grills School of Nursing Head On Student COVID Vaccine Mandate

Articles:  Legal

56638 June 7, 2023 Marine Corps drops charges against lance corporal who spent 113 days in the brig
56627 June 7, 2023 Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening
56584 May 28, 2023 Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance
56577 May 28, 2023 WHO do you think you are? Outrage over ‘unprecedented land grab’ that ‘could see World Health Organization force Britain, the US and Australia into lockdowns in future pandemics’
56571 May 28, 2023 WHO power grab
56427 May 1, 2023 Texas Attorney General Launches Investigation Into Big Pharma for Covid Vaccine Fraud
56325 April 23, 2023 The FDA responded: “FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.”
56863 March 27, 2023 Saliba v. Allied Pilots Ass’n
56086 December 19, 2022 AFFIRMED: No COVID-19 Shot Mandate For Federal Contractors
56062 December 11, 2022 Statement by Dr. Paul Marik on the Dismissal of Lawsuit Against FDA Over Ivermectin

Articles:  Mass Vaccinations

56427 May 1, 2023 Texas Attorney General Launches Investigation Into Big Pharma for Covid Vaccine Fraud
56422 April 30, 2023 Dr. Aseem Malhotra Tells Joe Rogan: Covid “Vaccine” INCREASES Risk of Hospitalization and Death
56400 April 25, 2023 Justin Trudeau Rewrites History By Now Saying He Never Forced Anyone To Get Vaccinated
56383 April 24, 2023 Confidential Pfizer Documents Reveal Pharmaceutical Giant Had ‘Evidence’ Suggesting ‘Increased Risk of Myocarditis’ Following COVID-19 Vaccinations in Early 2022
56333 April 24, 2023 WHO new powers concern
56325 April 23, 2023 The FDA responded: “FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.”
56863 March 27, 2023 Saliba v. Allied Pilots Ass’n
56313 March 12, 2023 United Airlines Flight Diverted – Incapacitated Pilot In Hospital
56301 March 3, 2023 Pro-Vaccine Italy Changes Its Tune, Exposes Massive Vaccine Damage (Video)
56282 February 28, 2023 Cardiac testing at Washington public event found 53% myocarditis rate, including 2 active duty US military pilots – what does it mean?

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Articles:  Anthony Fauci

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