What is propaganda?
- Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda.
- Propaganda which may not be objective.
- It may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception
- It may use loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response.
Propaganda is being spread by medical agencies and the federal government:
- They are accusing good doctors of the very dis-information that medical boards and governments are perpetrating.
- Federation of State Medical Board’ – FSMB: Spreading Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation May Put Medical License At Risk
- Many “studies” have a faulty (designed to fail) design of experiment where they only do partial treatment in order to discredit something.
- Are Effective COVID Medications Like Ivermectin Being Suppressed Because Their Successful Treatments Could Cause Vaccines to Lose Government Funding?
- Renowned French Doctor Who Identified Inexpensive Cure for Coronavirus – Top Critic Linked to Gilead and Remdesivir
- The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine Was a COMPLETE FRAUD – The Authors are Linked to the Pharmaceutical Industry and People Died Because of Their Lies!

Ivermectin is For Horses (FDA)
- In an effort to dissuade people from knowing about or using Ivermectin, the FDA released a message on Twitter which insultingly tells people not to use a horse drug.
- What FDA could have instead said is “Ivermectin has demonstrated high efficacy in dozens of clinical trials and can be obtained by prescription from a doctor or telemedicine such as myfreedoctor.com”.
- The left-wing media created disinformation across all their networks including manufacturing a story about a hospital overflowing with Ivermectin patients (see Disinformation).

COVID-19 is a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
- A variation of this phrase was used by Joe Biden.
- It was used by various mainstream media and CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky.
- Like most propaganda, it uses outright lies and half truths.
- What the ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’ fails to mention is that:
- Natural immunity is vastly superior to the third-tier nature of antibody only vaccine immunity.
- It also fails to be truthful about vaccinations being exclusively responsible for immune escape, antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), and breakthrough cases.
- article: CDC: COVID-19 Is a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’
The National Socialists (Nazis) did a similar thing. They equated Jews with having a disease and thus they needed to be separated from everyone else, which is how many Jews were put into infamous ghettos.
Vaccine Safety
Vaccines are advertised with marketing terms such as “safe”, “low probability” (of adverse effects), or “rare”. What is not being said are all the other problems. Without such knowledge, you cannot have informed consent.
They say a vaccine is effective and tested, but do you know what they really mean?
See: Vaccine Safety
Department of Veterans Affairs COVID-19 Propaganda
- Members and ex-members of the US military have long been used for medical experiments.
- Now the VA is fully committed to a campaign to vaccinate veterans.
- The VA recently began requiring all employees to be vaccinated.
- Below are a scan of a VA pamphlet sent to veterans. It is very deceiving. It does not tell the truth about risks, trials, or even that it is currently not FDA authorized as of the time of its printing.