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  • Various airlines are requiring employees to fully vaccinate as a condition of employment.
  • Airline personnel have to follow the laws of their home country and those of destination countries, including vaccination or restrictions mandates.
  • Some airline personnel (e.g. pilots, mechanics, flight attendants) are required to maintain medical qualification which can be jeopardized by any side effects of vaccination including heart conditions, cancer, organ failures, cognitive disorders, etc.  For pilots, this is particularly critical for obvious reasons.
  • COVID vaccines cause micro-bloodclots which cause a large number of secondary severe effects which can permanently disqualify an employee from their job.
  • An individual who voluntarily took an experimental vaccine has no real legal recourse for harm caused by the vaccination.
    • An employer who mandates an experimental vaccine may be liable to some degree in a civil lawsuit.
    • An employer who mandates an FDA approved vaccine probably has no liability, nor does the federal government.
    • Proving your vaccine injury is nearly impossible since the entire medical, academic, governmental, legal, and social climate mostly favors the pro-vaccine agenda.

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