My letter to the editor on mask wearing. Feel free to adapt to your local paper

They are bringing back masks in San Jose for city employees. So I wrote a letter to the editor. Feel free to repurpose it for your local paper if you are impacted by these mandates as well. Steve Kirsch Let me know if your community is similarly insane thinking the CDC knows what it is talking about. … Read more

Two anti-mask heroes: Stephen Petty and Tyson Gabriel

These guys are not only experts on masks (and how they don’t work) but they rolled up their sleeves to file motions and pleading in Federal court to stop the Federal mandates. Steve Kirsch The two nicest and smartest mask experts I know are Stephen Petty and Tyson Gabriel. Stephen Petty Here’s a video of … Read more

CDC “recommends” masks for airline travelers, despite court order ruling it is unConstitutional

The CDC has officially reinstated its mask recommendation for travelers in the U.S. despite a judge’s order last month declaring mask mandates unlawful. The agency cited “currently available data” for the decision and even asked operators in the transportation sectors to push “all people, including employees” to wear masks, despite a federal ruling to the … Read more

The Truth Revealed About the Deadly 1918 Spanish Flu: It Was Actually Dr. Frederick L. Gates

Hospital during Spanish Flue 1918 (foto Winter Time) Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918 – 1920 (foto Telegram) Wear A Mask (1) (foto Telegram) Ancientfaces (foto Telegram) Masks shows Individuality of Wearer (foto Telegram) When in Quarantine (foto Telegram) Churches, Schools Shows Closed (foto Telegram) Funeral Ban is Ordered (foto Telegram) THE TRUTH REVEALED ABOUT THE DEADLY 1918 SPANISH FLU: … Read more

Welcome to the military, let the experiments begin: The 1918 Flu Pandemic

janineg385April 26, 2022 0 Comments   It may or may not come as a surprise, but our men and women of the armed services have been used as test subjects for years. And sadly, they are often not informed of that fact. The Department of Defense has had a pretty cush position of having readily available … Read more

Yikes: New York Admits They Have Been Deliberately Undercounting Nursing Home Deaths

By Nick Arama | May 15, 2020 8:43 PM ET Remember when some in media were touting Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a possible presidential contender, perhaps even a replacement if needed for the failing confused presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden? Since then so much information has come out about what a horrible job New York did in dealing … Read more

New Study: Lockdowns Had Little Effect on COVID Mortality, ‘Devastating Effects’ on Society

By Nick Arama | Feb 02, 2022 11:15 AM ET As I reported on Tuesday, Canada and several European countries are considering moving to a ‘living with the virus’ approach, drawing down on restrictions and mandates. Governors were also urging that ‘living with the virus’ stance on Joe Biden during their meeting with him this week, but Biden rejected … Read more

New Study Blows up Those Dem Talking Points on Which States Dealt the Best With COVID

By Nick Arama | Apr 11, 2022 4:00 PM ET A new study from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity has some news that’s going to blow up the Democratic narrative on COVID. The study examined all the states and looked at how they handled the pandemic. They graded the states based on the number of deaths, the economy, and the impact on … Read more

Study finds plastics found in masks present in patients’ lungs

The study from Great Britain discovered microplastic particles in the lung tissue of 11 out of 13 patients undergoing surgery. Published  on  April 17, 2022 By  Amanda Brown Microplastic fibres were found deep in the lower lungs of living human beings in almost every person sampled in a recent UK study. The study from Great Britain discovered … Read more