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Model Legislation

One major weakness of vaccine state and federal legislation is that there is nothing preventing corporations requiring vaccination as a prerequisite of employment.  Alliance For Free Citizens.org has released model legislation that can be copied at the state or federal level that would free Americans from vaccine tyranny from corporations.  Write to your elected public servants and demand that legislation like this be made without compromise for your medical freedom without coercion.

Legislation and Legal articles

48409 January 27, 2022 FDA/Pfizer Coverup/Collusion: FDA Asks the Court to Delay First 55,000 Page Production Until May and Pfizer Moves to Intervene in the Lawsuit
48358 January 26, 2022 Florida Doctor: Families Sneak Ivermectin to Loved Ones in Hospitals With COVID-19, See Improvement
48208 December 26, 2021 Marines Have Now Booted 169 For Vaccine Refusal – All Religious Exemptions Denied
47252 December 18, 2021 6th Circuit Court Upholds Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate
47034 December 15, 2021 Judge holds hospital in contempt of court for refusing ivermectin to COVID patient on ventilator, ignoring court order
49710 December 12, 2021 Federal Judge Strikes Down DOD Claim That Pfizer’s EUA ‘Vaccine’ and Comirnaty Are ‘Interchangeable’
46579 December 11, 2021 Dan Ball (OAN) w/ Dr. Robert Malone – Vaccines Neither Safe Nor Effective
45912 December 7, 2021 Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate For Federal Contractors Nationwide
45291 December 3, 2021 Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS
45283 December 3, 2021 Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Losses Mount as Three Federal Judges Cite Executive Overreach in Two Days

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