Danny Meyer is the latest restaurant owner to tell customers, ‘No vax, no service’

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/with-covid-on-the-rise-more-restaurants-say-no-vax-no-service-11627429835 As COVID cases increase, establishments are requiring customers to prove they’re fully vaccinated, and they’re running into protests in the process As COVID-19 cases surge throughout the U.S., a growing number of dining and drinking establishments are turning unvaccinated customers away, saying their businesses can’t risk possibly exposing patrons and staff to the virus. … Read more

COVID Vaccine Not As Effective As We’re Told, Masks Forever, Fauci is a Liar, Alex Berenson

Shake Shack Founder Requiring Proof of Vaccination for Customers at Company’s Other Restaurants: ‘You Can Dine Somewhere Else’

original article:   https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/378818 If you’re craving one of those cult-favorite Shack Burgers from Shake Shack, you might eventually need to show proof of vaccination. However, if you’re craving any food from any of the other restaurants overseen by the chain’s founder’s company, you’re going to need to show proof soon. On Thursday’s episode of CNBC’s Squawk Box, Shake … Read more

APWU Statement on Mandatory Vaccination for Federal Employees

original article:  https://www.apwu.org/news/apwu-statement-mandatory-vaccination-federal-employees Various media outlets have reported that the White House is considering mandatory COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment for federal employees. Maintaining the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance. While the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated, it is not the role … Read more