Orwellian Gates/Soros-Funded Think Tank Is Targeting and Monitoring Irish Citizens Who Speak out for Freedom

by Rhoda Wilson  July 28, 2022 in Conspiracy Theory, News and Opinions The West’s Awake wrote an eye-opening article detailing the near granular online surveillance of Irish citizens who dare to challenge the official narrative.  The monitoring and surveillance, including keeping a record of individual tweets and Telegram posts, is being conducted by the London-based think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) … Read more

WHO calls for Big Tech to work with it to censor monkeypox “misinformation”

The next censorship campaign. By Tom Parker Posted 2:06 pm The World Health Organization (WHO), an unelected health agency that was given sweeping censorship powers during the COVID-19 pandemic, has called for all social media platforms to work with it to “prevent and counter” monkeypox “misinformation” and “disinformation.” During a COVID-19 press briefing, WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros … Read more

Why Is The CDC Hiding Excess Death Data?

There’s 50,000 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) & cancer deaths that have gone missing Emerald Robinson 3 hr ago 150 12 The number of “non natural cause” deaths in America has skyrocketed so much that the CDC has simply stopped processing the data. In fact, the CDC stopped updating cancer deaths in Week 50 of … Read more

Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

JULY 24, 2022 Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate. Dr. Long also testified that the data is showing that deaths of military members from the vaccines exceed deaths from COVID-19Read more

Christine Anderson Announced the Biggest Scandal in Medical History

Source Link: https://rumble.com/v1dkmdl-christine-anderson-announced-the-biggest-scandal-in-medical-history.html

Italian Judge Reinstates Unvaxxed Psychologist: Rules ‘Experimental’ Covid Injections ‘Infiltrate and Alter DNA’

Amy Mek July 19, 2022 “After the experience of Nazi-Fascism,” one cannot “sacrifice the single individual for the collective interest.” – Judge Susanna Zanda The Judge of the second section of the Civil Court of Florence, Susanna Zanda, signed an emergency decree on July 6th ordering the reinstatement of a psychologist who was suspended by the state board for not being “vaccinated.” In … Read more

US agencies aren’t ‘following the science’ on COVID — and staff are too scared to complain

By Marty Makary and Tracy Beth Høeg July 14, 2022 The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the National Institutes for Health, Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are variously frustrated, exasperated and alarmed about the direction … Read more

Judge Grants Attorneys General of Missouri & Louisiana Discovery in Collusion Case Against Top Biden Officials & Social Media Companies

By Debra Heine July 13, 2022 Afederal court has granted the request of two attorneys general for discovery and documents from top Biden officials and social media honchos so they can to get to the bottom of their collusion efforts to suppress and censor free speech. In May, Attorneys General Eric Schmidt of Missouri and Jeff … Read more

Macron’s Minority Government Defeated on Vaccine Passports

by Paul Joseph Watson July 14th 2022, 5:34 am French President Emmanuel Macron suffered a humiliating setback in parliament after his vaccine passport scheme was defeated. Macron’s minority government wanted to extend the policy whereby anyone entering France has to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test. However, the right-wing populist National Rally (RN), … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA vaccine inventor): “The people that are dying are the highly jabbed”

Dr. Malone: