Government Organizations
anything including: US government, local city government, state government, other country’s governments
Dr. Peter McCullough: Many Doctors ‘Are in a Vaccine Trance Right Now’
Facebook Post from TV Station Accidentally Reveals More People are Dying from the Vaccine than the Media is Reporting
Lara Logan: Biden Regime Ordered OSHA ‘To Start Hiding Information From the Public to Promote the COVID Vaccine’
By J.D. Rucker • Sep. 13, 2021 How can you tell when there’s a conspiracy afoot? Government agencies start making changes to long-standing common sense protocols in order to promote a narrative or push an agenda. Such is the case of the Biden regime’s handling adverse reaction reports pertaining to the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines.” Journalist Lara Logan, … Read more
Father Whose Son Died From Vaccine-Induced Heart Inflammation Censored By Facebook September 12th 2021, 12:35 pm Big Tech trying to silence family members who lost loved ones to the COVID injection. Image Credit: Ernest Ramirez, a grieving father who lost his son to the COVID injection, was censored by Facebook over the weekend following his interview with Alex Jones. Ramirez had tried to share … Read more
FDA Officials Said Americans Don’t Need a Booster. Biden Went Ahead With One Anyway
Second Breastfeeding Baby Dies Of Blood Clots And Inflamed Arteries After Mother’s Pfizer Shot As Per VAERS
Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work
Study finds vaccinated patients 27 times more likely to develop COVID symptoms than unvaccinated
A new study involving tens-of-thousands of patients reveals fully vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to end up with COVID symptoms than those who have never had a vaccine. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.