Johns Hopkins Study: Lockdowns Had ‘Little To No Effect On COVID-19 Mortality’ But Had ‘Devastating’ Effects On Society

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Tim Meads Feb 1, 2022 A new working paper from Johns Hopkins University’s “Studies in Applied Economics” institute claims that COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by a variety of governments worldwide had “little to no effect” on COVID-19 mortality. The study, conducted by three professors from around the world, also found that […]

Denmark Is First EU Country To Scrap All COVID Restrictions

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jan 30, 2022 – 09:20 AM Via, Later this week, England is scheduled to drop its problematic mask mandate for shops and public transport, along with its highly unpopular vaccine passport regime. Up north, Scotland says it will “relax” so-called ‘work from home guidance,’ and reopen nightclubs, […]

Boston Bans Unvaccinated Individuals from Restaurants, Entertainment Venues

By Human Events Staff  |  December 21, 2021 Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announced Monday the implementation of a vaccine passport for restaurants and other indoor venues. Individuals over the age of 12 will be required to provide proof of vaccination for indoor venues including restaurants, fitness centers and entertainment venues beginning on January 15, the Daily Caller reports. … Read more

Australia finds out the hard way…Vaccines don’t stop Omicron (Antibody Dependent Enhancement)

Scott Morrison is suddenly making changes            

The COVID-19 vaccine is not working in Denmark…


6th Circuit Court Upholds Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate

By Cristina Laila Published December 17, 2021 at 7:33pm Challenges to Joe Biden’s OSHA vax mandate was assigned to the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in a ping-pong lottery after the 5th Circuit put a halt on the mandate. In September the Biden Regime targeted the private sector and mandated all employees get jabbed or tested weekly … Read more

Rand Paul blasts Schumer, Fauci, vaccine mandates, says Americans being conditioned to “submit to New World Order” with COVID-19

Thursday, December 16, 2021 by: JD Heyes Tags: Anthony Fauci, Biden regime, Chuck Schumer, coronavirus, covid vaccine, covid-19, Dan Bongino, freedom, Globalism, Joe Biden, Liberty, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, Rand Paul, Tyranny, vaccine mandate, vaccine wars, vaccines (Natural News) Libertarian-conservative Sen. Rand Paul noted in recent days that it’s become obvious to him that the Biden regime and the deep state Marxists who are propping it up are using COVID-19 as a means of … Read more

Federal Judge Strikes Down DOD Claim That Pfizer’s EUA ‘Vaccine’ and Comirnaty Are ‘Interchangeable’

by Ethan Huff  December 4, 2021 Judge Winsor did, however, reject a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. military’s Chinese Virus injection mandate. A hearing for that case is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022, which is nearly 10 months down the road. Judge Winsor’s decision about the EUA injection from Pfizer-BioNTech also … Read more

Germany locks down unvaccinated people, as leaders plan to make shots compulsory

By Nadine Schmidt and Frederik Pleitgen, CNN Updated 4:10 PM ET, Thu December 2, 2021 Berlin (CNN)Germany on Thursday announced a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated, as its leaders backed plans for mandatory vaccinations in the coming months. Unvaccinated people will be banned from accessing all but the most essential businesses, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, to … Read more

Pam Popper on Parallels with Nazi Germany

In this excerpt from Pam Popper’s “Planet Lockdown” full interview, Pam discusses the parallels she sees between what happened in Nazi Germany, and what’s happening today. Find the full interview and details on the upcoming documentary at: Find Pam Popper at