Leaked Audio Reveals Former NIH Director Francis Collins Touting Vaccine Mandates, Threatening Unemployment

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/03/07/leaked-audio-reveals-former-nih-director-francis-collins-touting-vaccine-mandates-threatening-unemployment/[/sc] Graeme Jennings-Pool/Getty Images Paul Bois7 Mar 2022 Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) chief Francis Collins, who was also recently appointed as President Joe Biden’s new science advisor, expressed support for vaccine mandates, emphasizing that people’s employment should be threatened. Leaked audio obtained by The Daily Wire appeared to shatter Collins’ political neutrality, […]

Documents reveal feds paid news outlets to praise COVID vaccines

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.wnd.com/2022/03/documents-reveal-feds-paid-news-outlets-praise-covid-vaccines/[/sc] Only recently has it been revealed that one of the “vaccines” for COVID-19, pushed by the federal government and pharmaceutical industry on Americans, many unwillingly, over the past two years can cause acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure and […]

Exclusive: The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.theblaze.com/news/review-the-federal-government-paid-media-companies-to-advertise-for-the-vaccines#toggle-gdpr[/sc] In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, […]

Dr. John Campbell – Ivermectin, more evidence

EDITOR:  This section is being written by the editor to provide historical context.  Since early 2020, therapeutic repurposed drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were known to be effective against SARS-CoV-2.  America’s Frontline Doctors has dozens of studies that were censored and repressed by the mainstream media and the government (CDC, FDA).  While deadly big-pharma … Read more

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Jump Among Vaccinated: CDC Data

By Zachary Stieber February 24, 2022 Updated: February 24, 2022 COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates increased among people who got a COVID-19 vaccine following the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, according to newly published data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the data, which is submitted to the CDC by health departments … Read more

The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault

Americans were manipulated and turned against each other to hide government mismanagement, while many died unnecessary deaths.   Ron Johnson and Robert Malone More Articles In July 2021, President Biden, members of his administration, and the rest of the Covid cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – began blaming […]

Video: Canadian MP CENSORED For Pointing Out WEF’s Corrupt Influence Over Trudeau’s Gov’t

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-canadian-mp-accused-of-spreading-disinformation-for-pointing-out-wefs-corrupt-influence-over-trudeaus-govt/[/sc] A Canadian MP was shut down in Parliament Saturday after bringing up the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) influence over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.   Conservative MP Colin Carrie pointed out how WEF founder Klaus Schwab once bragged that his Young Global Leaders group had “penetrated” Trudeau’s government before he was abruptly […]

The Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – JAMA’s “Diversion”

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-disinformation-campaign-against?utm_source=url[/sc] Big Pharma influences high-impact journals to selectively publish (purportedly) negative studies while outright rejecting positive studies from publication. JAMA did it again yesterday. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA 5 hr ago 26 One of the main corporate disinformation tactics used to suppress “science that is inconvenient to their interests” is to employ what […]

Biochemist Exposes Corporate Media Narratives That Are Covering up Jab-Induced Heart Problems

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1494337141035331589.html[/sc] Dr. Doug Corrigan Follow @ScienceWDrDoug Feb 17 • 28 tweets • 12 min read Bookmark Save as PDF My Authors 1/ Let’s take a look at the coordinated media blitz to explain away and normalize the rapid rise of heart attacks and blood clots. (If someone good at graphics would be willing […]