‘Pain and suffering’ ahead, says Fauci, imploring unvaccinated Americans to take the jab

Full Article:  https://thepostmillennial.com/pain-and-suffering-ahead-says-fauci-imploring-unvaccinated-americans-to-take-the-jab/   White House infectious disease chief Dr. Anthony Fauci said while interviewed that the US is due for more “pain and suffering” since not enough people are vaccinated yet. Advertisement Fauci mentioned that he doesn’t see lockdowns ad being the answer, but strongly encouraged those not planning on getting the vaccine to … Read more

CBS Slaps Down Fauci, CDC Claim Vaccinated Are Spreading COVID in Large Numbers

Full Article:   https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2021/08/01/cbs-slaps-down-fauci-cdc-claim-vaccinated-are-spreading   Nicholas Fondacaro August 1st, 2021 2:48 PM Over the weekend, the American public finally learned that the vaccinated were being forced to wear masks again because of a massive outlier in Massachusetts where vaccinated people at a beach gathering had a high viral load in their nasal pharynx. And when press … Read more

Rand Paul Obliterates Delta Hysteria with Hard Facts You Won’t See in the Mainstream Media

Full Article:  https://beckernews.com/rand-paul-obliterates-delta-hysteria-with-hard-facts-you-wont-see-in-the-mainstream-media-40634/   August 1, 2021 by Kyle Becker Senator Rand Paul is keeping up the pressure on public officials who continue to push unfounded hysteria about COVID-19, and in particular, the Delta variant. Rand Paul appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and cited eye-opening statistics that don’t match up with the media’s doom-and-gloom narrative. … Read more

Sen. Ron Johnson says Americans have lost trust in CDC, other health agencies: ‘They are hiding something’

Full Article:  https://www.theblaze.com/news/ron-johnson-cdc-fauci-emails-masks Paul Sacca July 31, 2021 Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) delivered a scathing castigation on how Americans are losing trust in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal health agencies. The Republican lawmaker also went on the offensive against Dr. Anthony Fauci and school unions during an appearance on … Read more

Andy Surabian Warns Republicans: ‘COVID Authoritarianism’ Is the ‘Biggest Fight’

Full Article:  https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/31/andy-surabian-warns-republicans-covid-authoritarianism-is-the-biggest-fight/ Andy Surabian, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to Donald Trump, Jr., railed against the Biden administration’s reversal on the Chinese coronavirus — ushering in new mandates and hinting that lockdowns could be in the future — and warned Republicans that “COVID authoritarianism” is the “biggest fight in front of us” as Democrats … Read more

‘Like a War Zone’: Scenes of COMBAT in Paris as police and citizens FIGHT in cafes, streets, and sidewalks over VACCINE PASSPORTS

Full Article:  https://therightscoop.com/like-a-war-zone-scenes-of-combat-in-paris-as-police-and-citizens-fight-in-cafes-streets-and-sidewalks-over-vaccine-passports/ The streets of Paris are unrecognizable this weekend. Or very recognizable, depending on which part of history you’re comparing them against. The World Wars? The Terror? Once again, western civilization’s canary in the fascism coal mine is in CHAOS as citizens fight STORMTROOPERS in the form or riot police and COVID cops, … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA vaccine inventor) – Steven Bannon War Room


This 900-person delta cluster in Mass. has CDC freaked out—74% are vaccinated [Updated]

https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/07/this-900-person-delta-cluster-in-mass-has-cdc-freaked-out-74-are-vaccinated/ CDC estimates 35K symptomatic infections in US per week among 162 million vaccinated. BETH MOLE – 7/30/2021, 10:44 AM An analysis of a COVID-19 cluster of around 900 people in Massachusetts—74 percent of whom are vaccinated—is among the alarming data that spurred the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reverse course on masks this week. According … Read more