Kristi Noem Tells Unvaxxed Facing Vaccine Mandates at Work to Just Find a New Job

Full Article: For a potential presidential candidate who had built up a good amount of conservative goodwill, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is projecting the wrong message to keep her name circulating in the hat. Admittedly, I was hopeful for her just a few months ago, but her actions since then have been made … Read more

Pilots May Hold Key to Mobilizing Against Military COVID Vaccine Mandate

Pilots May Hold Key to Mobilizing Against Military COVID Vaccine Mandate When the military mandated the anthrax vaccine and military pilots showed they were willing to throw away careers and pensions in order to avoid the vaccine, it got the military’s attention — maybe they can do the same with COVID vaccine mandates? by Pam Long … Read more

COVID Vaccine Not As Effective As We’re Told, Masks Forever, Fauci is a Liar, Alex Berenson

Whistleblowers Accuse Biden HHS: ‘Every Effort’ Used To Downplay COVID Spread In Migrant Children Facilities Two whistleblowers have accused the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of allowing COVID-19 to rampantly spread throughout detention centers housing migrant children, and then using “every effort” to downplay the level of infection in the facilities. Arthur Pearlstein, Director of Arbitration and of the Office of Shared Neutrals at the Federal Mediation … Read more

Video: Ted Cruz Calls Mask Mandate Reversal “A Virtue Signal Of Submissiveness”

Video: Ted Cruz Calls Mask Mandate Reversal “A Virtue Signal Of Submissiveness” Texas Senator Ted Cruz responded to the CDC’s announcement this week that all Americans should wear face masks again, even fully vaccinated people, by labelling it the ultimate “virtue signal”. Speaking at a Senate hearing, Cruz said that while he believes in vaccines … Read more

Dr. Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccine) – Stop Vaccinations Now Because of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE)