Pfizer CEO Announces Trackable Chip in Pills to Bring the New World Order’s Dreams to Fruition

By J.D. Rucker • May. 20, 2022 Imagine pills that send signals to your pharmaceutical overlords so they know you’re actually taking their drugs and not faking it. Staying compliant is, after all, a requirement to live in the near-future dystopian society the New World Order has planned. They cannot have people walking around who haven’t ingested their … Read more

Aviation Coalition Calls to End Vaccine Mandate

NTD Newsroom May 18, 2022 An international coalition of aviation and medical professionals is calling for an end to vaccine mandates for pilots. They say the mandates have compromised aviation safety due to vaccine injuries among flight crew.

‘Good Morning America’ Admits Covid Booster Shots Can Cause AIDS

by Kelen McBreen May 17th 2022, 12:45 pm ABC News Senior Medical Contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton subtly admitted vaccine-induced AIDS exists during a recent edition of “Good Morning America.” Discussing a new study published by the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet, Dr. Ashton explained the fourth dose of both Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs is causing surges in antibodies … Read more

United States DOD Issued a Contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 Months Before COVID-19 Officially Existed

by The Exposé May 18th 2022, 1:39 pm The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month … Read more

American Airlines Captain Robert Snow speaks out about his vaccine injury

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Deaths Reported to VAERS Following Covid Jabs Nears 30,000 and That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,261,149 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 27,968 deaths and 228,477 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 6, 2022. by Megan Redshaw  May 13, 2022 in Commentary, Lede, Top Reading Time: 14 mins read Editor’s Note: Data from the … Read more

Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far

A simple survey anyone can do provides convincing evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed over 500,000 Americans. They should be halted. Now. Steve Kirsch May 13 Executive summary A simple survey of my readers provided some extremely compelling evidence that 1) the US government has killed over 500,000 previously healthy Americans and 2) that the vaccine … Read more

COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 6 Won’t Have to Meet 50% Efficacy Standard, FDA Official Says

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s top vaccine official told a congressional committee on Friday that COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 6 will not have to meet the agency’s 50% efficacy threshold required to obtain Emergency Use Authorization. By  Megan Redshaw Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s … Read more

Pfizer fraud? Or just amazing execution?

Check out this Twitter thread from Jikkyleaks. If this is fraud, Pfizer is liable for all deaths and injuries their vaccine caused. Woo hoo. Steve Kirsch   Summary The Pfizer documents just released show evidence of clinical trial enrollment that seems to be amazingly fast. Is it fraud or just brilliant execution? We need more … Read more

The Plan: The Who Plans For 10 Years Of Pandemics From 2020 To 2030

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