Pilot Suing CDC, Tells Secrets From Inside the Cockpit

Source Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1im8_ghJAoE/

Are Covid “Vaccines” Causing Liver Failure?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola  April 26, 2022 in Opinions As of April 8, 2022, 74 cases of severe hepatitis that health officials can’t explain have been reported in children up to 10 years old In October 2021, a case report involving a 47-year-old, previously healthy, man demonstrated conclusive evidence that COVID-19 shots may trigger hepatitis A Journal … Read more

Foreign research finds Pfizer, Moderna COVID vaccines don’t reduce all-cause mortality

Vaccine experts worry U.S. policy is headed toward annual COVID booster recommendation without data. Dozens ask FDA to consider more than short-lived antibody response in COVID vaccine trials. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna showed no reduction in all-cause mortality in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), according to a new paper by researchers … Read more

The Truth Revealed About the Deadly 1918 Spanish Flu: It Was Actually Dr. Frederick L. Gates

Hospital during Spanish Flue 1918 (foto Winter Time) Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918 – 1920 (foto Telegram) Wear A Mask (1) (foto Telegram) Ancientfaces (foto Telegram) Masks shows Individuality of Wearer (foto Telegram) When in Quarantine (foto Telegram) Churches, Schools Shows Closed (foto Telegram) Funeral Ban is Ordered (foto Telegram) THE TRUTH REVEALED ABOUT THE DEADLY 1918 SPANISH FLU: … Read more

Welcome to the military, let the experiments begin: The 1918 Flu Pandemic

janineg385April 26, 2022 0 Comments   It may or may not come as a surprise, but our men and women of the armed services have been used as test subjects for years. And sadly, they are often not informed of that fact. The Department of Defense has had a pretty cush position of having readily available … Read more

FDA and Pfizer Hid This From You

Apr 13, 2022 The recent Federal Drug Administration (FDA) data dump shows that both Pfizer and the FDA have known all along that what Liberty Counsel has been saying is true: The COVID jabs are not safe. Yet, the push to vaccinate everyone continues. Vaccine Passports present a clear and present danger to our freedom. We must stop … Read more

Release of Pfizer Documents

Posted by lawyersforjusticeireland Mar 20, 2022 Posted in Uncategorized WHAT HAS BEEN REVEALED ABOUT THE COVID-19 VACCINES AND WHERE WE GO FROM HERE. Readers will be aware that a court ordered release of documents filed by Pfizer with the FDA, further to the granting of the Conditional Use Authorisation and thereafter, has resulted in the … Read more

Study finds plastics found in masks present in patients’ lungs

The study from Great Britain discovered microplastic particles in the lung tissue of 11 out of 13 patients undergoing surgery. Published  on  April 17, 2022 By  Amanda Brown Microplastic fibres were found deep in the lower lungs of living human beings in almost every person sampled in a recent UK study. The study from Great Britain discovered … Read more

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

  First published on March 19, 2022 Introduction  Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which was implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.  It’s the destruction of people’s  lives. It is the destabilization … Read more

Klaus Schwab: “Nobody will be safe is not everybody is vaccinated”

  Who is the man leading The Great Reset? Yuval Noah Harari Who is Yuval Noah Harari? Yuval Noah Harari is a lead advisor for Klaus Schwab. Klaus Schwab is the author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset and the founder of The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Are Implementing … Read more