Troubling Trend: Deaths Spike in Highly Vaccinated Australia

by Adan Salazar June 7th 2022, 11:38 am Data shows deaths in Australia are on the rise, however the timing in close proximity to the government’s mass mRNA vaccination campaign is suspicious, says one researcher. The concerning trend was highlighted by vaccine data researcher Alex Berenson, who made the case for the experimental jabs possibly being … Read more

The Foegen Effect: A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate

Fögen, Zacharias MD∗ Editor(s): Shalaby., Mohammed Nader Author Information Medicine: February 18, 2022 – Volume 101 – Issue 7 – p e28924 doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000028924  (creative commons) Abstract Extensive evidence in the literature supports the mandatory use of facemasks to reduce the infection rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which causes the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, … Read more

FDA ignored evidence of Autoimmune Disease & Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease in the Confidential Pfizer Documents

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JUNE 16, 2022 The confidential Pfizer documents, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been forced to publish by court order, reveal that Pfizer presented evidence of Covid-19 vaccine recipients suffering auto-immune disease and Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease as adverse events, but the FDA chose to ignore it. The Pfizer Covid-19 injection uses … Read more

Documents show Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine causes autoimmune disease and VAED

Monday, June 20, 2022 by: Mary Villareal Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Big Pharma, biological weapon, conspiracy, covid-19, Dangerous Medicine, deception, FDA, pandemic, Pfizer, pharmaceutical fraud, spike protein, traitors, vaccine damage, vaccine injury, vaccine-associated enhanced disease, vaccines This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) The Pfizer documents that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was forced to publish by court order revealed that the Big Pharma company knew that its COVID-19 vaccine … Read more

CDC Insists ‘Severe Reactions’ to COVID Vaccines Are Rare, But New Survey Proves That Is an Absolute Lie

By Alicia Powe Published June 21, 2022 at 8:30am The Center for Disease Control and Prevention just signed off on Covid mRNA experimental gene modification shots for the youngest Americans. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on Saturday voted unanimously in favor of the Pfizer BionNTech and Moderna bioweapons injections for children as young as … Read more

‘Natural Immunity Wins Again’: Top Medical Journal Admits Prior Infection Immunity is Superior to Vaccinated Immunity Alone

by Kyle Becker June 20, 2022   The New England Journal of Medicine has published a new study proving once-and-for-all that natural immunity is real and it is more effective than vaccinated immunity alone. Natural immunity “protection was higher than that conferred after the same time had elapsed since receipt of a second dose of vaccine … Read more

Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths since February in Canada

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JUNE 15, 2022 The Government of Canada has confirmed that the vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths to have occurred across the country since the middle of February 2022, and 70% of those deaths have been among the triple vaccinated population. The Government of Canada produces a daily Covid-19 Epidemiology … Read more

Pfizer Committed Scientific Trial Fraud to Obtain FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID Vaccines in Children

Summary: Dr. Clare Craig Diagnostic Pathologist Co-Chair of HART Group This is the evidence that Pfizer presented to FDA on 6 month to 4 yr old children. Trial recruited 4526 children (6 months to 4 yrs old). — no answers given for this dropoff. On this basis alone, the trial should be deemed null and … Read more

More Vaccine-Injured Pilots Speak Out As Groups Pressure Airlines, Regulators To End Mandates

by CD Media Staff June 18, 2022 More commercial airline pilots discuss COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the “hostile” industry environment injured and unvaxxed pilots must navigate. Image by Maarten Visser Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR, Truth Social    Sharp chest pains. Myocarditis and pericarditis. Heart attacks. Strokes and subsequent blindness. These are just some of the many COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse events … Read more