US Dept of Veteran’s Affairs Denies Life-Saving Lung Transplant To Former US Army Tank Commander Over Vaccine Status

By Patty McMurray | Jun 5, 2022 James Jooyandeh is a former tank commander who served for 13 years in the US Army. He is currently suffering from advanced pulmonary fibrosis. He is in desperate need of a lung transplant, but because he has not agreed to accept a COVID jab, the US Department of Veterans Affairs … Read more

Yet Another New Study Shows Covid Jabs Cause Incurable Prion Disease, But Media and Governments Continue to Ignore

How long can government and corporate media ignore the clear connections between Covid-19 vaccines and prion disease? As long as they possibly can so they can perpetuate the universal jab agenda. by JD RUCKER  June 4, 2022 in News Reading Time: 4 mins read It took the CDC, FDA, and corporate media at least eight months from … Read more

Vaccine Failure: South Africa vs. Portugal: Same Variant, Opposite Outcomes

Ba.5 is a “Variant for Boosted People” South Africa vs. Portugal: Same Variant, Opposite Outcomes Igor Chudov Summary: The BA4/5 sister variants currently dominate two countries: South Africa and Portugal. South Africa is barely vaccinated (only 35% had a vaccine, 5% had a booster), whereas Portugal is 95% vaccinated and 70% boosted. The situations in … Read more

Dutch Airline Pilots Association (VNV) successfully blocks mandated vaccinations for new pilots

Court case against vaccination mandate won From VNV: On May 19, court proceedings brought by the Dutch Airline Pilots Association (VNV) against the vaccination mandate introduced by KLM for new pilots were filed. The judge made a ruling today. The judge ruled in favour of the Dutch Airline Pilots Association (VNV). This means that KLM … Read more

COVID Vaccine Bombshells You Probably Missed

When a critical mass of American people realize what has been done to them, there will need to be a reckoning. By Debra Heine March 4, 2022 In recent weeks, there have been several stunning revelations concerning the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines—and they are being all but ignored by a corporate media eager to change the subject. … Read more

Shocking Pfizer Study Data Reveals 82% of Jabbed Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages, So They Stopped Counting

When the data is so bad that it betrays the desired narrative, honest companies will adjust to the numbers. Dishonest companies like Pfizer will simply manipulate the numbers to match the goal. by JD RUCKER  May 28, 2022 in News Reading Time: 3 mins read  2 Pfizer’s court-ordered compliance with a FOIA request has resulted in tons … Read more

Military Email Reveals Alleged Deceit Regarding Pfizer Jab

By Michelle Edwards  – May 27, 2022 Is the U.S. Military intentionally ordering the bare minimum of Pfizer’s FDA-approved COMIRNATY “vaccine”—legally mandated for all military personnel—while administering the experimental Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Pfizer mRNA jab to service members as a general rule? It would certainly seem so based on a copy of an internal email dated … Read more

COVID-19: The Great Reset (Klaus Schwab)

2022-05-26 14_14_37-564349746-The-Great-Reset-by-Klaus-Schwab-2020.pdf – Foxit PDF Editor

COVID-19 Is Treatable and Preventable With Vitamin D: Dr. Robert Malone

Meiling Lee 10-12 minutes 5/24/2022 COVID-19 can be treated and prevented with vitamin D, according to the pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology and president of the Global COVID Summit, Dr. Robert Malone. “There are virtually no deaths from this disease in people who have vitamin D levels in their blood above 50 ng/mL [nanograms per … Read more