anything related to corporations doing dirty things… slimy things… e.g. big pharma lying, getting sued, paying off politicians, rigging the legal system, etc. Things in pursuit of $$$ at the expense of everything else.
Censorship – Parents Protest Plano ISD Against Mask Mandates
Parents protested the Plano ISD against their mask mandates. Masks are not scientifically proven to stop viral spread or infection yet school boards are pushing masks for purely ideological reasons. WFAA used Twitter to cover this event. The story was written and photographed by a California, San Francisco transplant, Tiffany Liou. She published this story … Read more
Are Effective COVID Medications Like Ivermectin Being Suppressed Because Their Successful Treatments Could Cause Vaccines to Lose Government Funding?
Nurses and Hospital Workers – Considered Heroes During Vaccine-Less COVID Pandemic – Now Being Fired by Healthcare Nazis
Gaslighting, a Covid love story
COVID Early Treatment Revolution – Suppressed Treatment
The suppression of the information and the availability of Covid early treatment is a crime so intensely diabolical, that the adherents of the large scale suppression campaign are aiding in nothing less than Democidal Omnicide. Think for a moment, If there were cheap over the counter therapeutics proven to boost the immune system and save … Read more
Employer Mandated Vaccines – Your Lack of Rights
Harmeet K. Dhillon @pnjaban I’ve had to break the news to hundreds of people who call, email: given the federal and state employment agency and DOJ guidance on legality of employers mandating vaccines (which I disagree with and which is at odds with how they treat similar issues), workers have few rights. / 2/ Absent … Read more