Electronic Vaccine Passports – WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Estonia, etc.
source: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-2019-nCoV-Digital_certificates-vaccination-2021.1
- Want to create two classes of people: vaccinated, unvaccinated.
- A vaccine caste class.
- There is no consideration for medical freedom.
- Overarching societal structures should not be made by any one element, nor should it ever be dictated by government.
- The USA is a country where individual choice is more important than all other considerations.
- The only alternative to freedom is tyranny, and there is no acceptable compromise.
- This is the unintended consequence of allowing medical utilitarian arguments.
- A utilitarian argument can always be made by individuals seeking authoritarian control over a population.
- The term vaccine passport is not
- Characteristics of vaccine passports
- Violates individual medical freedom.
- Restricts associations and activities.
- Based on arbitrary criteria which are fully controllable by politicians.
- Does not set a precise scientific standard.
- May go under various Orwellian names (“Empire Pass”, “liberty pass”, “tourism pass”).
- Inspires or mandates the creation of physical and/or electronic checkpoints.
- Limits freedom of assembly or movement.
- Is extended or paired to other altruistic political causes such as lowering carbon emissions (environmentalism).
- Favors a product (e.g. vaccine).
- Does not respect alternative solutions.
- Has no absolute endpoint. Fully defined by political forces.
- Has dual use for tyrannical political objectives.
- Defines no criminal penalties with low burdens of proof for government or corporate misuse.
- Is used as an excuse to bypass Constitutional protections.
- Ignores superior scientific options (e.g. natural immunity). In Israel, 40% of vaccinated people were re-infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) while 0.0086% (<1%) were re-infected who had natural immunity.