Dr. Byram Bridle (vaccine researcher) — We made a mistake… (spike protein)

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Part 1

Part 2

Rough Transcript

Dr. Byram Bridle (vaccine researcher, University of Guelph, Canada)

Part 1

  • Pfizer data to Japanese govt.
  • included was results of biodistribution study (where vaccine goes in the body)
  • traditional vaccines stay at injection site (shoulder muscle)
  • Study showed that as little as 25% stays at injection site.
  • The rest goes throughout the body seeding all tissues.
  • Peer reviewed study shows that the spike protein which the vaccines causes our body to manufacture, gets distributed throughout the blood stream.
  • The mRNA delivery system also spreads throughtout various tissues – e.g. the ovaries.
  • After 48 hrs, females end up with 7% in ovaries.
    • This provides the genetic blueprint for cells in the ovaries to start manufacturing the spike protein
  • We’re learning the spike protein can be toxic to the body and as we generate antibodies against the spike protein, and with cells in the ovaries expressing the spike protein, our own antibodies will be attacking our own cells.
  • If vaccine (mRNA) is being distributed throughout the body, seeding various tissues, causing them to express the spike protein. Then our antibody response (1-2 weeks, peaking at 3 weeks) occurs which attacks our own cells, which are coated with the spike protein.

Part 2

  • “Pandemic of the unvaccinated”
    • “99% of covid deaths, 95% hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated”
    • Rochelle Walensky – though data were based on data from Jan to June (2021) and didn’t reflect Delta variant data.
  • Most people were unvaccinated at that point, explaining why so many were in the death/hospitalization category.
  • Dr. Bridle: “this is absolutely untrue” (“pandemic of the unvaccinated”)
    • This goes against every scientific principle.
    • The nature of vaccines and the way they are being rolled out are applying selective pressure to promote the emergence of new variants.
    • This is based on sound principles: chemotherapy for cancers, emergence of antibiotic strains of bacteria.
    • If you have a biological entity that is prone to mutation, and a narrowly focused selective pressure over a long period of time, this is the recipe for the driving of novel variants.
    • Unvaccinated are instead acquiring natural immunity (superior to vaccine immunity against variants).
  • Paper in Nature Journal by Sette & Crotty – shows that natural immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is potent, long lasting, and broad in scope. It targets more than just one protein of the virus.
    • Variants will bypass vaccine induced immunity.

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