Peter Doshi: COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are NOT Designed to Tell Us What We Need To Know!

Presentation during a webinar with Peter Doshi, a scientist who focuses on the drug approval process and an award-winning health journalist. He warns that the COVID vaccines trials are NOT designed to show whether the vaccines reduce the risk of severe Covid-19, hospitalization, ICU use, or death, or whether they reduce spread of the disease. … Read more

Dr Peter Doshi Injects Critical Thinking Into the Discussion About COVID Injections

Dr Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal(BMJ), discusses the lack of critical thinking in society’s discussion about covid injections in a meeting called by Senator Ron Johnson on the topic of vaccine mandates. Mirrored from:  

Bottom Line: The Vaccine Trials Are Rigged – “Effective” Doesn’t Mean What We Think

When we hear a vaccine is effective, what do we think? We think it’ll protect us from catching something, right? Or it’ll prevent us from getting really sick, right? Bottom Line: These trials were NEVER designed to determine that. That’s a BOMBSHELL, in our book. Clipped from: 95% Effective! Woo-Hoo!!! But wait… effective at what??? … Read more

How Effective Is The COVID-19 Vaccine?

“New details from the #Covid19 trials have revealed troubling details in the clinical trial design. This new revelation calls into question the real efficacy of the Covid vaccine.”  Credit to Del Bigtree and The Highwire:

“Effective”… You Keep Using That Word (For Covid Shots)…

Yeah, a Princess Bride reference. We’re told “95% effective,” and of course we get excited. We’re meant to get excited. Spoiler: It’s misleading. We expect that “effective” means it’ll protect us from serious illness or death, or at least stop transmission (slow the spread). Nope, not so much. Peter Doshi finds, as those of us … Read more

Christine Grady: Calling the Shots on Human Experimentation

  Medical Ethics should be front and center right now, with Big Pharma and NGOs like the Gates Foundation trying to rush an experimental RNA vaccine to market. In this video, Amazing Polly uncovers a disturbing conflict of interest in US government agencies. Who is Christine Grady? Head of Human Experimentation at NIH.  And… Anthony … Read more