Boosters Stop Boosting After Only 4 Months

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] by Dr. Joseph Mercola March 29, 2022 in Commentary, Lede, Top, Video Reading Time: 10 mins read STORY AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19 booster shots lose effectiveness rapidly, with protection plummeting by the fourth month post-shot Within four to five months post-booster, protection against COVID-19-related emergency department and urgent care visits decreased to 66%, […]

Trump-era HHS Doctor Offered Hush Money on Vaccination Dangers (Interview)

Kristi Leigh TV SUBSCRIBE Dr. Paul Alexander is a Canadian health researcher and a former official at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under theTrump administration. He reveals he received phone calls from Pfizer with a lucrative offer. Why he didn’t hesitate to turn the offer down. Full interview :

Deadly Cover-Up: Who Buried the Research Proving Ivermectin Saves Covid Patients’ Lives

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] Faye Higbee March 26, 2022 Add comment 4 min read Dr. Andrew Hill, then the most influential Ivermectin advocate in the world, chose dollars over human lives. The government and mainstream media have repeatedly ridiculed and suppressed any suggestion that Ivermectin should not be prescribed for Covid-19. However, [su_highlight background="#feff1f"]the actual science […]

Biden “There’s Going to be a New World Order Out There and We’ve Gotta Lead It”

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Cristina Laila Published March 21, 2022 at 7:36pm Weren’t we told “The Great Reset” and the “New World Order” were just conspiracy theories? Joe Biden on Monday joined the Business Roundtable’s CEO quarterly meeting to discuss the United States’ response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden mumbled through remarks and casually […]

After Concerted Effort to Bury Ivermectin, New Bill Would Put This Medicine in the Hands of the American People

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Randy DeSoto  March 19, 2022 at 12:54pm Hooray for the Republican legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives for striking a blow for medical freedom Thursday when they voted to make it easier for people to obtain ivermectin. In a 183-159 vote, the House approved legislation permitting pharmacists to dispense ivermectin to treat […]

CDC-Funded Study on mRNA Shots: Very Mild Side Effects & No Deaths

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Michelle Edwards March 17, 2022 On Mar. 7, 2022, in a press release titled “Large U.S. study confirms most mRNA COVID-19 vaccine side effects are mild and temporary,” The Lancet announced a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control-funded mRNA “vaccine” study. Immediately, numerous publications, including WebMD, Medscape, USAToday, and Forbes, shared the […]

Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] ‘This is a loss of trust in all institutions’  By Art Moore Published March 16, 2022 at 8:47pm In a video interview Wednesday with WND, a former Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout […]

Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed Off on Them?

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Richard Abelson Published March 19, 2022 at 9:50am The Russian Defense Department presented documents allegedly from the US Defense Threat Reduction Office in Kyiv On Friday, March 18, the Russian Permanent Representative at to the United States Security Council Vassily Nebenzia presented what the Russian government claims is proof of a […]

Dr. Wolf: Covid Dosages and Variance Amongst Batches

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