Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work

Source Link: Excerpt:  BY DAILY EXPOSE ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 A graduate of Yale University who also obtained a PHD at Princeton University and an MD degree from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine has published a paper in which she concludes that mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act ... Read more

Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative With Alex Jones

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Study finds vaccinated patients 27 times more likely to develop COVID symptoms than unvaccinated

A new study involving tens-of-thousands of patients reveals fully vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to end up with COVID symptoms than those who have never had a vaccine. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

Vaccines destroying natural immunity making virus more severe

Source Link: Excerpt:  2021-09-11 09:12 by Karl Denninger in Editorial , 1945 references I Hate Being Right [Comments enabled] \ I told you a few weeks ago I was seeing very disturbing data that strongly suggested the jabs were, in some form or fashion, destroying existing immunity or otherwise potentiating more-severe disease.  I didn't have the hard data to ... Read more

Dear Leader Biden Is Lying: Data Shows We Are Actually Experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’

Source Link: Excerpt:  By J.D. Rucker • Sep. 10, 2021 GAB Telegram Tweet Share They blame the unvaccinated. They blame the “Delta Variant” or the “Mu Variant” or the “Scary Greek Letter Du Jour Variant.” But the vaccine nannies, including pretty much everyone in the Biden-Harris regime, cannot fully get around the numbers without major gaslighting. The ... Read more

Massachusetts coronavirus breakthrough cases jump 4,415 last week, more than 600 fully vaccinated people a day

Source Link: Excerpt:  18 breakthrough deaths were reported last week Breakthrough cases of the coronavirus continue to climb in Massachusetts. (Herald file photo.) By RICK SOBEY | | Boston Herald PUBLISHED: September 7, 2021 at 3:50 p.m. | UPDATED: September 7, 2021 at 3:58 p.m. More than 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts tested positive for the coronavirus last week, ... Read more

California professor sues over vaccine mandate, says he has natural immunity

Source Link: Excerpt:  Other staffers joined the professor on the effectiveness of natural immunity By Emma Colton | Fox News A University of California professor is suing the school system's Board of Regents and president over a coronavirus vaccine mandate, which he argues he does not need because of his natural immunity against the virus. "I feel like I'm being treated ... Read more

West Virginia Governor Drops Bombshell: 25% Increase In Death Amongst Vaccinated Individuals

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Poll: 3/4 of unvaxxed Americans would quit job if shot required

Source Link: Excerpt:  In the poll conducted by the Daily Caller, 75% of respondents declared they would quit their job if unable to obtain a religious or medical exemption from the COVID-19 injection, while 18% would take the injection. Wed Sep 8, 2021 - 6:50 am EDT This story was originally published by the WND ... Read more

Israel is now the world’s Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country’s trail-blazing vaccine roll-out – sparking fears other highly-vaccinated countries will be hit by another wave due to jabs’ waning immunity

Source Link: Excerpt:  Israel recorded 1,892 cases per million people on Wednesday — nearly 0.2% of entire population in single day Despite being one of the most vaccinated nations in world, country is in midst of an unprecedented new wave Fears Britain could now follow suit has led to growing calls for a mass booster ... Read more