BREAKING: NIH Supports Grocery Stores Requiring Customers to Provide Proof of Vaccination

Full Articles: Aug 1, 2021 WARNING: Joe Biden wants to crack down on conservative social media content. I want to strongly urge you to sign up for Todd’s free newsletter. It’s your only lifeline to conservative news and commentary. We can no longer rely on social media. Click here to subscribe. As I warned you … Read more

Rand Paul Obliterates Delta Hysteria with Hard Facts You Won’t See in the Mainstream Media

Full Article:   August 1, 2021 by Kyle Becker Senator Rand Paul is keeping up the pressure on public officials who continue to push unfounded hysteria about COVID-19, and in particular, the Delta variant. Rand Paul appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and cited eye-opening statistics that don’t match up with the media’s doom-and-gloom narrative. … Read more

Francis Collins: Children Under 12 Wearing Masks is ‘Really Smart Thing to Do’ and ‘Sacrifice Worth Making’

Full Article:   This Sunday, the public also heard from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s boss, Dr. Francis Collins, the head of the NIH. On “Fox News Sunday,” Dr. Collins spoke with Dana Perino, who was filling in for Chris Wallace. On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced new guidelines that students, staff, and … Read more

NIH Director: Businesses Should Require Vaccine Proof From Customers

Full Article: August 1st 2021, 10:30 am National Institute of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins said Sunday that he supports businesses requiring proof of COVID injection for customers. CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper asked Collins whether “it would be good” for businesses to require vaccine credentials. “As a public health person … Read more

‘Like a War Zone’: Scenes of COMBAT in Paris as police and citizens FIGHT in cafes, streets, and sidewalks over VACCINE PASSPORTS

Full Article: The streets of Paris are unrecognizable this weekend. Or very recognizable, depending on which part of history you’re comparing them against. The World Wars? The Terror? Once again, western civilization’s canary in the fascism coal mine is in CHAOS as citizens fight STORMTROOPERS in the form or riot police and COVID cops, … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA vaccine inventor) – Steven Bannon War Room

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Says We Just Need Two Weeks to Stop the Delta Variant   BY STACEY LENNOX JUL 31, 2021 4:04 PM ET Perhaps CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has no sense of irony. We recently passed the 500th day to slow the spread, which, as we all know, started with 15 days to slow the spread in March of 2020. Now, Walensky is saying if we would all put … Read more