Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get COVID Vaccine By Sept. 15 Under Threat of Court- Martial

Excerpt:  “Military officials have said that once the vaccine is mandated, a refusal could constitute failure to obey an order, and may be punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” By Zero Hedge Monday, August 09, 2021 The US military is ready to begin enforcing a coronavirus vaccine mandate across all branches, the Associated Press is reporting Monday ... Read more

COVID is a global propaganda operation

Video: Referenced from Dr. Robert Malone:

The Truth About COVID Countermeasures

Excerpt:  by Dr. Joseph Mercola  August 7, 2021 Do you prefer direct links to content? Check out our brand new sister site at STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data from Israel, where the vast majority of the population has been injected with the Pfizer mRNA concoction, show those “vaccinated” against COVID-19 and unvaccinated have the same infection rate, regardless ... Read more

With COVID Vaccination Mandates On the Horizon, Get Familiar With Your legal Rights

Excerpt:  by Rich Welsh  August 8, 2021 We are in trying times. We just lived through a year and a half of a coronavirus pandemic, a situation that was bad enough only to be exacerbated by crooked globalist politicians who used the pandemic to gain power and implement their plans for what they themselves call The ... Read more

Are COVID Camps About To Be Reality?

Excerpt:  Years ago, I had a page on Facebook that before it was censored and eventually removed from the platform covered topics that we are seeing happening unfold today. One of those topics I covered was the FEMA camps that are dotted all across our country. Citizen journalists would take the images and share them ... Read more

Tens of Thousands Protest Across France Against Vaccine Passports For Fourth Week in a Row

Excerpt:  BY RICK MORAN AUG 08, 2021 2:16 PM ET  Share  Tweet   French demonstration against vaccine passports. Screenshot from Twitter. An estimated 250,000 Frenchmen marched in several cities protesting the COVID-19 health passes that all Frenchmen will need to access cafes, restaurants, and airports starting Monday. It’s the fourth week of protests that have been growing in numbers ... Read more

Did The CDC Director Just Accidentally Admit That Vaccination Passports Are Futile?

Excerpt:  BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, AUG 08, 2021 - 06:55 AM Authored by 'Sundance' via The Last Refuge blog, They are just making up narratives now, and the media are not calling them out on it…. The Director of the CDC made an important admission during an interview today on CNN.   CDC Director Rochelle Walensky ... Read more

Alberta Covid Case has Government Back Down, End Mandatory Restrictions

Excerpt:  August 5, 2021 by Steve Beckow I’m reposting Stew Peters’ interview with Patrick King because of its importance to ending Covid restrictions in other countries. Patrick represented himself in a Canadian court case that persuaded the Alberta provincial government to end its Covid 19 restrictions. Patrick was fined $1200 for being part of a demonstration, under ... Read more