Oklahoma’s ERs are so backed up with people overdosing on ivermectin that gunshot victims are having to wait to be treated, a doctor says

Source Link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/oklahoma-s-ers-are-so-backed-up-with-people-overdosing-on-ivermectin-that-gunshot-victims-are-having-to-wait-to-be-treated-a-doctor-says/ar-AAO38Tm Excerpt:  insider@insider.com (Cheryl Teh,Yelena Dzhanova)  1 day ago An ER doctor in Oklahoma said rural hospitals in the state are clogged with people overdosing on ivermectin. Dr. Jason McElyea said the bed shortage was so severe that gunshot victims are waiting to be treated. McElyea said people reported adverse effects like vision loss ... Read more

One Hospital Denies Oklahoma Doctor’s Story of Ivermectin Overdoses Causing ER Delays for Gunshot Victims

Note:  This is the “corrected” version that was published after independent reporters verified the entire story was fake news and entirely manufactured by Rolling Stone.  The original story used a fake photo that showed people in line. Think about what most people got encoded into their emotions:   Ivemectin = bad.  The minor detail of truth will … Read more

The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin; The Question Is Why?

Source Link: https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2021/09/05/the-government-and-cdc-are-lying-about-covid19-vaccine-and-ivermectin-the-question-is-why-n2595312 Excerpt:  Wayne Allyn Root | Posted: Sep 05, 2021 12:01 AM It's been quite a week. I've been in the media business for decades and I've never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why? Let's start with ... Read more

Disinformation example: “QAnon and anti-vaxxers brainwashed kids stuck at home — now teachers have to deprogram them”

This article is being archived as an example of indoctrination and disinformation from the American political left.  This political faction gains from restrictions placed on people and generally has a cult-following of vaccination technologies because if vaccines were proven harmful, then it would collapse many other arguments they’ve been making.  These individuals are inherently authoritarian … Read more

CDC Admits COVID Lethality Rate Overstated – Twice As Many Americans Had COVID as Previously Thought

Source Link: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/cdc-admits-covid-lethality-rate-overstated-twice-many-americans-covid-previously-thought/ Excerpt:  By Jim Hoft Published September 3, 2021 at 8:53am 834 Comments Share(8 A new CDC study found that TWICE AS MANY Americans had COVID immunity than previous estimates. That means the mortality rate is cut in half. For some reason they are just finding this out now? Advertisement - story continues below ... Read more

Developer of Ivermectin begins late-stage trial of experimental pill it hopes could prevent COVID-19 infections

Editor’s notes: Ivermectin was originally discovered in Japan. It is extremely cheap to manufacture. It’s off patent. Recently big-pharma has been trying to give disinformation claiming that Ivermectin is for animals and doesn’t work against COVID-19.  Reference our Ivermectin page to learn more. – source:  Ivermectin Goes On Prime Time TV – In Japan

Dr. Scott Atlas: Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19

Source Link: https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/01/dr-scott-atlas-science-killed-itself-over-covid-19/ Excerpt:  'Science is not supposed to be about intimidating, or abusing, or censoring data ... There is never supposed to be 'an accepted view' of science.' By Helen Raleigh SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American people have been told to “follow the science.” Yet for a year and ... Read more