Myocarditis paper – Dr Peter McCullough / Dr. John Campbell Interview

  Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine- induced myocarditis VAERS myocarditis paper preprint autopsy paper Spike protein detoxification paper!/ We will also cite the Nakahara paper and the Krausen paper Transcript 0:00 you are very welcome to this video and I’m particularly pleased to welcome Dr Peter McCulla … Read more

Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: COVID-19 patients experience, in 10-20% of the cases, a prolonged long-COVID syndrome, defined as the persistence of symptoms for at least two months after the in- fection. The underlying biological mechanisms of this syndrome remain poorly understood. Sever- al hypotheses have been proposed, among which are the potential autoimmunity resulting from mo- … Read more

United Airlines 1309 SRQ-EWR suffered a reported heart attack and loss of consciousness in flight

The captain on United Airlines 1309 SRQ-EWR suffered a reported heart attack and loss of consciousness in flight. Paramedics met the aircraft at the gate. How are those “vaccines” working out for everyone? @united @FAANews @FAASafetyBrief @ALPAPilots @USFreedomFlyers… — Josh Yoder (@JoshYoder) August 9, 2023

Dr. John Campbell: The Cause of Myocarditis


Over 500 Excess Heart Deaths a WEEK in England Since COVID-19 Began

by Jamie White June 24th 2023, 12:00 pm Over 500 excess deaths a week involving heart diseases have been documented since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the British Heart Foundation (BHF). The BHF’s report, based on data from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, found that there’s been a total of 96,540 excess … Read more

Vaccine data from Florida

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Covid Shots Damage Heart in ALL Recipients, Study Finds

Frank BergmanDecember 23, 2022 – 12:57 pm A bombshell new study is raising the alarm after discovering that all recipients of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have some degree of heart damage. The study, carried out by researchers in Switzerland, found elevated levels of the protein troponin in all of the vaccine recipients it analyzed. The findings indicate … Read more

Vax Injured Man Goes On Epic Rant Against Doctors Hiding The Truth From Their Patients


Found Dead at Home After COVID-19 Vaccination–Autopsies Finds an Array of Fatal Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Peter A. McCullough John Leake Dec 5 2022 The public is becoming increasingly disturbed with reports of death among the vaccinated. It is natural to ask “was the death caused by vaccination?” The most definitive way of answering that question is with autopsy. Schwab et al reported on deaths after vaccination with detailed autopsies … Read more

Myocarditis Risk From COVID-19 Vaccines Up To 3 times Higher From Moderna Than Pfizer: Study

By  Brandon Drey Nov 13, 2022 Myocarditis cases hit levels two-to-three times higher in people with a second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine than the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, research shows. American College of Cardiology released a study last week that showed that males and females between 18 and 39 with the Moderna vaccine had higher rates of … Read more