Devastating video thread shows debilitating effects of Covid jab… vaxxers hardest hit…

ToTheLifeboats  @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you got #vaccinated, Congratulations! Now let me explain what’s happening to your body as a result. This is what’s called “informed consent” that should have been given before the shot. Let’s start here: ToTheLifeboats @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you’ve wrecked your immune system, and now need booster shots to live. … Read more

Deadly Lambda variant could be vaccine-resistant, new study says

Excerpt:  By Hannah Sparks August 12, 2021 | 3:11pm As the US struggles to suppress the rapidly advancing coronavirus Delta variant, new evidence has emerged that the latest Lambda mutation — ravaging parts of South America — won’t be slowed by vaccines. In a July 28 report appearing on bioRxiv, where the study awaits peer review prior ... Read more

Boost the insanity

Excerpt:  As Covid cases, hospitalizations, and now deaths soar in Israel even though over 90 percent of older adults are fully vaccinated, the country is aggressively pushing a third shot. Hundreds of thousands of older Israelis have already received it. And other countries are preparing to follow. Now the inevitable is happening. The third shot ... Read more

Cancel Joe Rogan again: Twitter mob angry at podcast host after he blames jabs for virus mutations & blasts mandatory vaccination

Excerpt:  7 Aug, 2021 12:47 Get short URL A nurse prepares a syringe with a dose of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine © Reuters / Juan Medina; Podcast host and comedian, Joe Rogan © Reuters / Gary A. Vasquez 175 1 Follow RT on Angry Twitter users called for Joe Rogan to be canceled and Spotify ... Read more

Are COVID Shots Fueling More Dangerous Mutations?

Excerpt:  by Dr. Joseph Mercola  August 12, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE When vaccines that don’t provide robust immunity are overused, they allow viruses to mutate in potentially hazardous ways. COVID variants with measurably different behavior emerged in mid-December 2020, which coincides with the rollout of the first COVID shots While variants were identified in various areas before ... Read more

This 900-person delta cluster in Mass. has CDC freaked out—74% are vaccinated

Excerpt:  CDC estimates 35K symptomatic infections in US per week among 162 million vaccinated. BETH MOLE - 7/30/2021, 10:44 AM Enlarge / Foot traffic along Commercial Street in Provincetown, Mass., on July 20, 2021. Provincetown officials have issued a new mask-wearing advisory for indoors, regardless of vaccination status, on the latest data showing that Provincetown COVID cases are increasing. ... Read more

MAJOR WARNING: Vax Data Alerts To Massive Problem “Vaccinologist worst nightmare”

Excerpt:  August 8, 2021 CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE Dr. Kobi Haviv, Director of Jerusalem Hospital Watch in full screen so you can read the subtitles. ‘Vaccinated account for 95% of severe Covid hospitalizations. Vaccine effectiveness is fading.’ Vaccine data goes from bad to worse… Dr. Robert Malone stated that “Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is a ... Read more

Sydney, Australia: All New COVID Hospitalizations Involve Vaccinated Individuals Except One

Excerpt:  Shocker! Not really. Here is a question about the experimental injection that remains unanswered – Why are so many of those who have been “vaccinated” getting the virus and ending up in the hospital? What’s the point if it doesn’t work? And curiously, despite all of the adverse effects (nearing 500,000 as reported on ... Read more