Dr. Robert Malone on FDA Vaccine Approval – 2 different products

Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccine) discusses the differences between what the FDA vs. the Pfizer/BioNTech still under Emergency Use Authorization. COMIRNATY not yet available in the USA. Dr. Robert Malone’s website blog:  https://www.rwmalonemd.com/news Document with talking points explaining what the FDA approved. (PDF viewable under the video below)

Are Effective COVID Medications Like Ivermectin Being Suppressed Because Their Successful Treatments Could Cause Vaccines to Lose Government Funding?

Excerpt:  By Joe Hoft Published August 21, 2021 at 7:45am 1039 Comments Share(1.9k)TweetGab ShareTelegramShare Guest post by Kevin Moncla Are effective COVID medications like Ivermectin being suppressed because they could cause vaccines to lose government funding? Not very long after the pandemic lockdowns began last year, we heard of a potential treatment for COVID-19 involving the ... Read more

Gaslighting, a Covid love story

Excerpt:  If at first you don't succeed, lie about what you promised Alex Berenson Aug 14 732 263 I’m old enough to remember when vaccines were the miracle that would put Covid behind us. So are you. It less than six months ago. From January through May, as the vaccine rollout ramped up, public health ... Read more

Fauci’s sickening research on dogs exposed

Excerpt:  Published  12 hours agoon August 13, 2021 By Alan Rugger Tucker Carlson investigates unnecessary and unhelpful animal research at Fauci’s “Institutes.” Highlights include: “In addition to funding bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, we’re now learning that Anthony Fauci conducted research on other animals, too: dogs.” “They allowed the dogs to ... Read more

Covid Cash: Pfizer and Moderna Set to Reap Billions More as FDA Approves Boosters for Immunocompromised

Excerpt:  by Megan Redshaw  August 13, 2021 in Business The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Thursday authorized a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines for people with compromised immune systems. Neither vaccine has yet received full FDA approval, and neither has completed late-stage clinical trials proving a third dose will boost immunity or work against COVID variants. The amended Emergency Use Authorization ... Read more

Children Shown Propaganda Song Urging Them to Put Their ‘Faith in Fauci’

Excerpt:  Aug 13, 2021 WARNING: JOE BIDEN WANTS TO CRACK DOWN ON CONSERVATIVE NEWS AND CONTENT. Before you read, I want to strongly urge you to sign up for Todd’s free newsletter. It’s your only lifeline to conservative news and commentary. We can no longer rely on social media. Click here to subscribe. Parents at a ... Read more

Fully-Vaccinated “Dirty Jobs” Host Mike Rowe Asks: “If the vaccine is so effective, why is the government now treating us all as if we’re unvaccinated?”

Excerpt:  Conservative Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe has a very popular Facebook page where fans regularly visit to see his opinion on a variety of topics. When Mike has a particularly interesting exchange with a follower on his Facebook page, he will highlight the conversation under the heading “Off the wall,” a reference to a ... Read more

Esteemed Physician Speaks out Against ‘Vaccine Mandates for All’ — Especially Children and Those With Natural Immunity

Excerpt:  In an interview with U.S. News & World Report, Dr. Marty Makary said the CDC’s relentless focus on vaccine-induced immunity and its “demonizing” of those who choose not to get the vaccine make the agency “the most slow, reactionary, political CDC in American history.” by Megan Redshaw  August 7, 2021 Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at Johns ... Read more