Commonly used. This includes anything that relates to an organized plan: part of The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Event 201, New World Order, etc. It can be theory or fact. If it ends in everyone getting vaccinated or vaccine passports, then it’s PLANdemic.
Understanding the nanotechnology in COVID-19 vaccines
Scientists Warn of Potential COVID Vaccine-Related ‘Ticking Time Bomb’ – Antibody Dependent Enhancement
Scientists Warn of Potential COVID Vaccine-Related ‘Ticking Time Bomb’
Dr. Yeadon on Governments Purposely Misunderstanding and Distorting Science – Warnings, Predictions Coming True, and Medical Freedom
Dr. Mike Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert, developed out of deep knowledge of biology & therapeutics, and is an innovative drug discoverer with 23y in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his Ph.D. from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988 on the CNS and peripheral … Read more
WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website
Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to combat spread of harmful vaccine disinformation and announces major research project
For The First Time, A US State Will Require Disclosure Of PCR ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data In COVID Tests
Read original article: For the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform. All positive, negative and indeterminate COVID-19 laboratory results must be reported to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately. This … Read more
First randomized control trial shows face masks ‘did not reduce’ coronavirus infections with ‘statistical significance’
Original article: Backup article: Danish study released on Wednesday suggests face masks did not significantly protect wearers from the coronavirus compared to those without masks. The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, concluded that the “recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 … Read more
Sweden Shreds Mask Law Logic, 12% Lower Death Rate Than US, With No Masks or Lockdowns
Original article: [Update: As of October 5th, Swedish COVID deaths per million since March are 583. US deaths per million are now 647. Source.] Six months after the original request by governments for 15 days of public indulgence in order to “flatten the curve” of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus, which has … Read more