Revolver Exclusive: Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination

Excerpt:  August 15, 2021 (3d ago) TwitterTelegramFacebookLinkedInRedditEmailSMS Experience Revolver without ads Hide ads now Support Revolver By Going AD-FREE CHECK OUT THE NEWS FEED — FOLLOW US ON GAB — CHECK OUT THE MERCH STORE An officer with the U.S. Navy is warning of a full-blown “national security threat” if the military moves ahead with its planned universal COVID-19 vaccination ... Read more

ICU NURSE: “You’re being lied to about COVID.”

Top doctor: Mass vaccination program for COVID will be ‘one of the most deadly’ in history

Excerpt:  Texas cardiologist and leading medical expert Dr. Peter McCullough recently criticized the mass COVID vaccination program in the U.S., saying that it ‘will go down as one of the most deadly, one of the most injurious and costly in human history.’ Celeste McGovern 57 Wed Aug 18, 2021 - 6:12 pm EDT DALLAS, Texas (LifeSiteNews) – The forced mass vaccination ... Read more

FDA Issues “Black Box WARNING” to Jabs, SERIOUS Heart Issues Explode in Number Excerpt:  The Stew Peters Show BY STEW PETERS SHOW AUGUST 12, 2021 The FDA knows these shots are killing people, so they’ve quietly added this “Black Box Warning” as booming numbers of myocarditis are reported around the world in inoculated hospitalized patients.

COVID Early Treatment Revolution – Suppressed Treatment

The suppression of the information and the availability of Covid early treatment is a crime so intensely diabolical, that the adherents of the large scale suppression campaign are aiding in nothing less than Democidal Omnicide. Think for a moment, If there were cheap over the counter therapeutics proven to boost the immune system and save … Read more

Agony at the End of an Experimental Hypodermic Needle

Excerpt:  by Dr. Peter McCullough | Aug 7, 2021 We are at an apex of emotional agony and social crisis as the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its dominant mutant strain, Delta, is bearing down on the US in a bona fide outbreak curve and to the underestimation of many scientists. Despite being a less virulent form of the COVID-19 ... Read more

Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID and It’s NOT the ‘Vaccines’

Excerpt:  by Dr. Joseph Mercola  August 13, 2021 Editor’s Commentary: This article and attached video will, with 100% certainty, be suppressed by Big Tech. They might allow them to stay up and pretend that people are seeing it, but unless it goes viral (unintended pun), the vast majority of Americans will never have an opportunity to learn ... Read more

Devastating video thread shows debilitating effects of Covid jab… vaxxers hardest hit…

ToTheLifeboats  @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you got #vaccinated, Congratulations! Now let me explain what’s happening to your body as a result. This is what’s called “informed consent” that should have been given before the shot. Let’s start here: ToTheLifeboats @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you’ve wrecked your immune system, and now need booster shots to live. … Read more