Conspiracy theories aside, there is something fishy about the Great Reset

It’s a corporate takeover of global governance that affects our food, our data and our vaccines Ivan Wecke 16 August 2021, 11.12am ‘The Great Reset’ conspiracy theories don’t seem to want to die. The theories were triggered by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) summit last year, which had the theme ‘The Great Reset’ and argued that the … Read more

Agony at the End of an Experimental Hypodermic Needle

Excerpt:  by Dr. Peter McCullough | Aug 7, 2021 We are at an apex of emotional agony and social crisis as the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its dominant mutant strain, Delta, is bearing down on the US in a bona fide outbreak curve and to the underestimation of many scientists. Despite being a less virulent form of the COVID-19 ... Read more

Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID and It’s NOT the ‘Vaccines’

Excerpt:  by Dr. Joseph Mercola  August 13, 2021 Editor’s Commentary: This article and attached video will, with 100% certainty, be suppressed by Big Tech. They might allow them to stay up and pretend that people are seeing it, but unless it goes viral (unintended pun), the vast majority of Americans will never have an opportunity to learn ... Read more

Spike Protein, micro blood clotting – America’s Frontline Doctors Whitecoat Summit

Source Link:

What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed?

Excerpt:  by DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA  August 9, 2021 in Conspiracy, End Times, Government, Police State, Science, Truth STORY AT-A-GLANCE High-profile restaurant chains like Shake Shack and Union Square Hospitality will require staff and indoor diners in New York City and Washington D.C. to show proof of COVID “vaccination,” starting September 7, 2021 Vaccinated-only bars and restaurants have also popped up in Seattle, ... Read more

COVID is a global propaganda operation

Video: Referenced from Dr. Robert Malone:

Information security expert on revealed Pfizer agreements: ‘There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of these contracts’

Excerpt:  Information security expert on revealed Pfizer agreements: ‘There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of these contracts’ posted by Mordechai Sones July 28, 2021 7:50 pm “If you were wondering why Ivermectin was suppressed, it is because the agreement that countries had with Pfizer does not allow them to escape their contract, which ... Read more