Famous Athlete Demands Investigation: Why Are So Many Players Collapsing on the Field (Video)

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://rairfoundation.com/famous-athlete-demands-investigation-why-are-so-many-players-collapsing-on-the-field-video/[/sc] Amy Mek February 23, 2022 5 min read Matt Le Tissier felt a responsibility to speak out after a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths among FIFA players in 2021. British soccer legend and sports commentator Matt Le Tissier spoke out during an interview with Oracle films about the disturbing […]

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/bhakdiburkhardt-pathology-results?utm_source=url[/sc] Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What’s troubling is the coroner didn’t implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths. Steve Kirsch Dec 28, 2021 1,127 Summary […]

Scientists Find Covid-19 Contains DNA Code Patented By Moderna YEARS Before Pandemic Began

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://newspunch.com/scientists-find-covid-19-contains-dna-code-patented-by-moderna-years-before-pandemic-began/[/sc] February 24, 2022 Baxter Dmitry Further evidence that we have not been told the truth about the origins of Covid-19 have emerged after scientists found genetic material patented by Moderna in 2016 in the virus’s spike protein. According to researchers, there is a one-in-three-trillion chance of this “coincidence” evolving naturally. Fresh suspicion […]

The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault

Americans were manipulated and turned against each other to hide government mismanagement, while many died unnecessary deaths.   Ron Johnson and Robert Malone More Articles In July 2021, President Biden, members of his administration, and the rest of the Covid cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – began blaming […]

“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/everyone-risk-blood-clots-cdc-pfizer-issue-urgent-warnings-blood-clots-even-healthiest-athletes/[/sc] Both CDC and Pfizer have recently issued a public warning about “blood clots.” [su_highlight background="#feff1f"]Last February 10[/su_highlight], the CDC issued a warning normalizing the idea that young adults and healthy athletes develop blood clots. Of course, no one has ever heard of this frequent phenomenon before the COVID vaccines. “#DYK [do you […]

Biochemist Exposes Corporate Media Narratives That Are Covering up Jab-Induced Heart Problems

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1494337141035331589.html[/sc] Dr. Doug Corrigan Follow @ScienceWDrDoug Feb 17 • 28 tweets • 12 min read Bookmark Save as PDF My Authors 1/ Let’s take a look at the coordinated media blitz to explain away and normalize the rapid rise of heart attacks and blood clots. (If someone good at graphics would be willing […]

Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Weird, Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://amgreatness.com/2022/02/17/funeral-directors-and-embalmers-alarmed-by-weird-freakishly-large-blood-clots-clogging-veins-in-vaccinated-bodies/[/sc] By Debra Heine February 17, 2022 Board-certified funeral directors and embalmers are coming forward to tell tales of horror featuring vaccinated bodies with veins and arteries clogged with strange, rubbery, worm-like clots. Richard Hirschman, a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama, with over twenty years of experience in the field, has said […]

108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure


Myocarditis Rate May Be As High as 1 in Every 100 Who Were Vaccinated

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/see-the-cdc-corruption-for-yourself[/sc] stevekirsch.substack.com See the CDC corruption for yourself It’s in plain sight in this paper in JAMA about myocarditis rates by CDC authors. Steve Kirsch 17 hr ago 290 Check out this paper published in JAMA written by a bunch of CDC authors including my favorite CDC misinformer, Dr. John Su. It’s super […]

URGENT: New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-new-research-turns-up-yet[/sc] alexberenson.substack.com URGENT: New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers A preprint in Cell finds vaccine-driven original antigenic sin is deeply powerful. Also: vaccine-generated spike protein circulates in the blood and vaccine mRNA persists for months in lymph nodes.     Alex Berenson Feb 8 268 mRNA from the Pfizer […]