Dr. Zelenko | Doctors are going to jail for prescribing Ivermectin…

“Since [HCQ and ivermectin] actually work, patients are getting better. And since patients are getting better, they’re choosing not to take the vaccine. And since the agenda is to vaccinate everyone… doctors who are saving their patients’ lives have to go to jail.” Save 5% Off Z-Stack With Coupon Code “Fox”: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=wmpgvtrNa6bk Follow the Fox Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox … Read more

Dr. John Campbell – Ivermectin in Africa and Brazil

Dr. John Campbell 2.28M subscribers SUBSCRIBE Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching (Brazil) https://www.cureus.com/articles/82162… Background Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of action, coronavirus infection and COVID-19-related comorbidities. Prophylaxis combined with the known safety profile of ivermectin Study to evaluate the impact of regular ivermectin … Read more

EXC: Wuhan Lab Also Sought Influenza Strain For ‘Human Infection.’

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/02/09/wuhan-lab-manipulated-influenza-with-human-transmission/[/sc] by Natalie Winters February 9, 2022 The Wuhan Institute of Virology, which manipulated bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 to become deadlier to humans, appears to have carried out similar research on influenza, The National Pulse can reveal. An article posted to the Chinese-language website of the military-linked lab, which many public health and […]

STUDY: CensorTrack Documents Over 800 Cases of Big Tech Censoring COVID-19 Debate

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://censortrack.org/study-censortrack-documents-over-800-cases-big-tech-censoring-covid-19-debate[/sc] Joseph Vazquez and Gabriela Pariseau February 9, 2022 Big Tech speech restrictions turned COVID-19 into the most pro-censorship environment in the U.S. at least since World War II. Media Research Center has found more than 800 examples of bans, deleted content, and other speech restrictions related to the virus, as well as […]

SMOKING GUN: Pentagon’s DMED data proves that skyrocketing disease rates in military servicemen caused by covid “vaccines”

Wednesday, February 09, 2022 by: Ethan Huff Tags: COVID, DMED, military, Pentagon, Plandemic, ron johnson, smoking gun, soldiers, Thomas Renz, Vaccine deaths, vaccine injury, vaccines This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) The United States military’s official database for vaccine adverse events is overflowing with evidence to show […]

Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.theepochtimes.com/dr-peter-mccullough-findings-from-early-covid-19-vaccine-studies-potentially-alarming_4322618.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=TheLibertyDaily[/sc] Dr. Peter McCullough (L) and Dr. Bryan Ardis (R) speak about the COVID-19 pandemic at a Lions for Liberty “Science Uncensored” forum at Hershey Lodge in Hershey, Penn., on March 4, 2022. (Beth Brelje/The Epoch Times) News & Discoveries Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming ‘This is […]

Vaccines, Masks, Staying At Home Did Not Make A Major Difference In COVID Case Rates, NYT Says

LAUREL DUGGANSOCIAL ISSUES AND CULTURE REPORTER March 09, 202210:22 AM ET The New York Times said vaccinations, booster shots and masks have not caused a major difference in case rates between parts of the country with different levels of COVID-19 precautions in a Wednesday morning newsletter. The article compared COVID-19 case rates for Democratic and Republican areas, … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/03/08/obama-led-ukraine-biolab-efforts/[/sc] by Natalie Winters March 8, 2022 A deleted web article recovered by The National Pulse reveals that former President Barack Obama spearheaded an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine. The news comes on the same day that Biden regime apparatchik Victoria Nuland told the U.S. […]

Biden Official Victoria Nuland Admits to Biological Research Labs in Ukraine Following China and Russia Reports (VIDEO)

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/biden-official-victoria-nuland-admits-biological-research-labs-ukraine-following-china-russia-accusations-video/[/sc] By Jim Hoft Published March 8, 2022 at 7:36pm Later today the official spokesman for the China Communist Government confronted the United States on its 336 biological labs in 30 countries around the world. According to China, there are 26 US biological labs in Ukraine alone. The US has 336 labs in […]

The WHO Has Recommended That Ukraine Destroy ‘High Threat Pathogens’ at U.S.-Funded Biolabs

The WHO Has Recommended That Ukraine Destroy ‘High Threat Pathogens’ at U.S.-Funded Biolabs March 10, 2022 by Kyle Becker Written by Kyle Becker   The World Health Organization has advised Ukraine to “destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country’s public health laboratories” to prevent “any potential spills” that would spread disease among the population, the […]