Frontline Care Doctor Shares How to End COVID and It’s NOT the ‘Vaccines’

Excerpt:  by Dr. Joseph Mercola  August 13, 2021 Editor’s Commentary: This article and attached video will, with 100% certainty, be suppressed by Big Tech. They might allow them to stay up and pretend that people are seeing it, but unless it goes viral (unintended pun), the vast majority of Americans will never have an opportunity to learn ... Read more

Devastating video thread shows debilitating effects of Covid jab… vaxxers hardest hit…

ToTheLifeboats  @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you got #vaccinated, Congratulations! Now let me explain what’s happening to your body as a result. This is what’s called “informed consent” that should have been given before the shot. Let’s start here: ToTheLifeboats @ToTheLifeboats Aug 8 So you’ve wrecked your immune system, and now need booster shots to live. … Read more

Boost the insanity

Excerpt:  As Covid cases, hospitalizations, and now deaths soar in Israel even though over 90 percent of older adults are fully vaccinated, the country is aggressively pushing a third shot. Hundreds of thousands of older Israelis have already received it. And other countries are preparing to follow. Now the inevitable is happening. The third shot ... Read more

More Victories Against Loyola’s Unlawful Shot Mandate

Excerpt:  Aug 11, 2021 Liberty Counsel has secured religious exemptions from the COVID-19 injection on behalf of more than 40 students after Loyola University originally denied their requests. All Loyola students who have contacted Liberty Counsel after their exemptions were wrongfully denied have now been granted exemptions and are allowed to remain enrolled for the ... Read more