Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study

By Meiling Lee March 1, 2022 Updated: March 1, 2022 , according to Swedish researchers at Lund University. The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA. The mRNARead more

COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Jump Among Vaccinated: CDC Data

By Zachary Stieber February 24, 2022 Updated: February 24, 2022 COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates increased among people who got a COVID-19 vaccine following the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, according to newly published data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the data, which is submitted to the CDC by health departments … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone: ‘Time of choosing’ for CDC scientists after bombshell NYT report [scientific fraud]

‘Do you want to be a witness? Or do you want to be on the defense?’  By Art Moore Published February 23, 2022 at 2:42pm Share on Facebook Tweet Share to GabGab ShareGab EmailPrint Steve Bannon talks to Dr. Robert Malone on "War Room" Feb. 23, 2022, about the admission by […]

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What’s troubling is the coroner didn’t implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths. Steve Kirsch Dec 28, 2021 1,127 Summary […]

“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”

Both CDC and Pfizer have recently issued a public warning about “blood clots.” , the CDC issued a warning normalizing the idea that young adults and healthy athletes develop blood clots. Of course, no one has ever heard of this frequent phenomenon before the COVID vaccines. “#DYK [do you […]

The Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin – JAMA’s “Diversion”

Big Pharma influences high-impact journals to selectively publish (purportedly) negative studies while outright rejecting positive studies from publication. JAMA did it again yesterday. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA 5 hr ago 26 One of the main corporate disinformation tactics used to suppress “science that is inconvenient to their interests” is to employ what […]

Dr. Li-Meng Yan Exposes CCP’s Plan to Release Hemmorhagic Fever and Rule the World Through Biosecurity

  Viral hemorrhagic fevers   Support Infowars, get the products you need and find the latest deals at Dr. Li-Meng Yan (gab: @drlimengyan, twitter: @DrLiMengYAN1) who blew the whistle on the wuhan lab leak, joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the ChiCom’s plan to rule the world through biosecurity bioweapons. Get yours today & … Read more

Biochemist Exposes Corporate Media Narratives That Are Covering up Jab-Induced Heart Problems

Dr. Doug Corrigan Follow @ScienceWDrDoug Feb 17 • 28 tweets • 12 min read Bookmark Save as PDF My Authors 1/ Let’s take a look at the coordinated media blitz to explain away and normalize the rapid rise of heart attacks and blood clots. (If someone good at graphics would be willing […]

Common Dandelion Blocks S Protein Binding to ACE2 Receptors

(Image source–an informative tea page) In Mike Adam’s recent Situation Update, he discussed the astonishing truth that “covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns, killing off the dandelions and thereby killing themselves in the long […]

Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) efficiently blocks the interaction between ACE2 cell surface receptor and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614, mutants D614G, N501Y, K417N and E484K in vitro

  Abstract On 11th March 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). To date, there are rapidly spreading new “variants of concern” of SARS-CoV-2, the United Kingdom (B.1.1.7), the South African (B.1.351) or Brasilian […]