Covid Vaccines: The “LEAKED” Pfizer Contract

July 30, 2021 Via Off-Guardian An allegedly leaked vaccine supply contract between Pfizer and the government of Albania has sent some shockwaves through social media over the last few days. It doesn’t contain any really groundbreaking information but, if it’s genuine, it certainly confirms the worst suspicions many of us had about the terms of … Read more

Republicans question politics behind Biden decision to ration COVID treatment

Susan Ferrechio September 15, 2021 Republican governors are slamming the Biden administration following an announcement it would restrict the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments, one of the only medically sanctioned remedies for those who have contracted COVID-19. The move has also earned criticism from red-state medical officials who fear it will further overwhelm hospitals dealing … Read more

White House Attempts to Justify Withholding Monoclonal Antibody Treatments From Florida and Red States

  September 16, 2021 | Sundance | 242 Comments If the political parties were reversed, the entire White House press corps would be having apoplectic fits about the White House withholding COVID-19 treatments from New York or California, with endless articles written about how Donald Trump was intentionally politicizing healthcare and purposefully killing his political opposition.  Seriously, not an … Read more

FDA Authorizes Moderna, Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for All Adults

Source Link: Excerpt:  By Zachary Stieber November 19, 2021 Updated: November 19, 2021 biggersmaller Print The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday authorized boosters of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans 18 or older. “The FDA has determined that the currently available data support expanding the eligibility of a single booster dose ... Read more

OSHA Suspends ETS Enforcement due to Fifth Circuit’s Latest Take on Vaccine Rule

Source Link: Excerpt:  The future of the Emergency Temporary Standard remains uncertain. By Shereen Hashem Nov 17, 2021 OSHA newly announced an update to its COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). Currently, the ETS requires employers with 100 or more employees to mandate vaccines or weekly testing. OSHA has since announced that it has “suspended activities related to the ... Read more

Joe Biden Gets Terrible News After a Court Is Chosen to Adjudicate His Vaccine Mandate

By Bonchie | Nov 17, 2021 8:30 AM ET Joe Biden’s OSHA-enforced vaccine mandate currently hangs in the balance. Last week, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to lift a stay on the “emergency” regulation, citing grave constitutional concerns and gamesmanship by the administration. Yet, there was still some hope inside the White House that the case would end up … Read more

Dr Robert Malone: CDC and FDA liars, doctors being hunted, medical tyranny, children should not be vaccinated, Event 201

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of the mRNA technology used in most COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Robert Malone: “This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World.”

 by Veronika Kyrylenko November 9, 2021 In an exclusive and explosive one-hour interview with Veronika Kyrylenko of The New American, pioneering mRNA scientist Dr. Robert Malone explains the intensely corrupt workings of the government regulatory bodies that have mismanaged the pandemic, discusses the problems with the vaccine program and delves into potentially explosive and game-changing revelations about the shady origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China. … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Laura Ingraham

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