The CDC ‘Quietly’ Rewrites History Again- Removes Tens of Thousands of Deaths from COVID Tracker

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] by Steve MacDonald / 19 March 2022 19 March 2022 According to the CDC, tens of thousands of deaths previously attributed to COVID19 were officially caused by something else. They made the change Wednesday to much fanfare and public interest.   NOT! Neither our state’s biggest newspaper nor its only actual network […]

CDC-Funded Study on mRNA Shots: Very Mild Side Effects & No Deaths

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By Michelle Edwards March 17, 2022 On Mar. 7, 2022, in a press release titled “Large U.S. study confirms most mRNA COVID-19 vaccine side effects are mild and temporary,” The Lancet announced a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control-funded mRNA “vaccine” study. Immediately, numerous publications, including WebMD, Medscape, USAToday, and Forbes, shared the […]

Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] ‘This is a loss of trust in all institutions’  By Art Moore Published March 16, 2022 at 8:47pm In a video interview Wednesday with WND, a former Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout […]

A Group of JetBlue Pilots Are Suing the CDC to End the Federal Face Mask Mandate

16TH MARCH 2022 Agroup of JetBlue pilots have filed a lawsuit against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) demanding the federal face mask mandate be ditched as they fear wearing a face mask is causing them harm. The lawsuit is one of many legal attempts to fight the mask mandate – so far, every lawsuit … Read more

VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just first 2 months of 2022

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] DANIEL HOROWITZ March 11, 2022 One of the most criminal aspects of the COVID regime was the decision to pressure low-risk teens into getting a shot that was known to cause cardiac inflammation. Myocarditis used to be a rare disorder discussed mainly in academic literature, but now it is everywhere. What have […]

Erasing history: Big Tech’s campaign to mop up 2 years of COVID tyranny

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc]     Jordan Schachtel Mar 11 23 Some two years into COVID Mania, it appears that the forces for COVID tyranny have abandoned their failed war on a virus, at least for now. But they still can’t give up on the reality that it was all for nothing. They can’t acknowledge that […]

Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the COVID vaccines He is not alone in seeing this. All his other embalmer friends see it too. All of them. The only possible explanation: the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of previously healthy people.     […]

Dr. John Campbell – Withheld Pfizer Documents Released by Court Order – Significant Historic Record Breaking Safety Problem

Documents here: This was the biggest medical deception of all time.  The 1976 Swine Flu government mass vaccination campaign killed 35 people.  This vaccine has probably killed millions worldwide based on adverse event monitoring systems such as VAERS, DMED, EudraVigilance, Yellow Card System, etc.  Doctors were threatened for reporting into these systems as a matter … Read more

Documents reveal feds paid news outlets to praise COVID vaccines

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] Only recently has it been revealed that one of the “vaccines” for COVID-19, pushed by the federal government and pharmaceutical industry on Americans, many unwillingly, over the past two years can cause acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure and […]

FDA Releases 10,000 More Pfizer Vaccine Documents. What Will They Reveal?

03/04/22 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday released a 10,000-page cache of documents pertaining to the Emergency Use Authorization of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. An initial review shows the documents contain details about animal studies, adverse events experienced by trial participants, the makeup of Pfizer’s internal review committee … and more. By  Michael Nevradakis, […]