Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone

https://www.rwmalonemd.com/about-us Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. Dr. Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the inventor of mRNA vaccines, while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. Update:  The left has been on a censorship crusade, trying to block people from knowing he is the inventor of the mRNA technology.  … Read more

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny

Sherri J. Tenpenny, DO, AOBEM(95-06), AOBNMM, ABIHM https://www.drtenpenny.com/ Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. Widely regarded as the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact that vaccines can have on health, Dr. Tenpenny has been a guest on hundreds of radio and national television … Read more

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ Environmental and humanitarian legend RFK, Jr., mainstream media, and the very corrupt CDC Interview by Rita Shreffler, CHD Director of Advocacy & Outreach For over three decades, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been one of the world’s leading environmental advocates. He is the founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, the umbrella group for 300 local waterkeeper organizations, … Read more

Ivory Hecker

Ivory Hecker

Project Veritas released a new video today featuring a sit-down interview with recently-suspended Fox 26 reporter, Ivory Hecker, who blew the whistle on her own network for what she says are acts of deception. She claims the station’s editorial decisions are an affront to honest journalism. One major issue Hecker addressed was Fox 26’s pressure … Read more

Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans

https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr.-Peter-McCullough-on-with-Reiner-Fuelmich-June-11-2021.mp4#t=40   Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans