Sweden Suffered Fewer Deaths Per Capita Than Much of Europe Despite Refusing to Enforce Strict Lockdowns

Scandinavian country got it right. Published  3 days agoon 9 May, 2022 Paul Joseph Watson New figures from the World Health Organization show that Sweden had fewer COVID deaths per capita than much of Europe despite refusing to enforce strict lockdowns and mask mandates like numerous other nearby countries. “In 2020 and 2021, the country … Read more

Growing share of Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, but booster shots substantially lower the risk

By Deidre McPhillips, CNN Updated 7:58 AM ET, Wed May 11, 2022 (CNN)Since Covid-19 vaccines became widely available, there has been a wide gap in deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. But recent Covid deaths are much more evenly split as highly transmissible variants take hold, vaccine protection wanes and booster uptake stagnates. Breakthrough infections … Read more

COVID-19 Vaccine Producer Hid Evidence of Problems: Report

By Zachary Stieber   May 10, 2022 Updated: May 11, 2022 Executives at a company that produced millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses attempted to hide evidence that some of the doses were contaminated, according to a congressional report released on May 10. Emergent BioSolutions “took repeated steps to conceal its quality failures from the federal government and other third … Read more

Food Plants Being Burned Down (list)

Note:  This list does not imply that these were caused by arson or otherwise a criminal act. DATE LOCATION TYPE OF FACILITY/EVENT ARCHIVE LINK 02/08/19 RICHIBUCTO, CANADA CAPE BALD FOOD PROCESSING PLANT https://web.archive.org/web/20210506095527/https://www.firefightingincanada.com/fire-destroys-new-brunswick-seafood-processing-plant-26770/ 02/11/19 BELOIT, WI KETTLE FOODS FOOD PROCESSING PLANT https://web.archive.org/web/20220428211232/https://www.powderbulksolids.com/wire-cloth/fire-damages-wisconsin-potato-chip-production-plant 02/20/19 WICHITA, KS GRAIN SILO FIRE https://web.archive.org/web/20220506203927/https://dustsafetyscience.com/silo-fire-fairbank-iowa/ 03/07/19 OXFORD, CANADA OXFORD FROZEN FOOD PROCESSING PLANT https://web.archive.org/web/20210414103906/https://www.firefightingincanada.com/deep-fryers-spark-blaze-at-food-processing-plant-26875/ 04/02/19 … Read more

Biden’s new “disinformation” czar wants “trustworthy verified people” like her to be able to “add context” to other people’s tweets.

This is real.  Biden and his people are creating a federal office.

Fauci, Collins Shared In ‘Secret’ NIH ‘Royalties’ Totaling $350M: Watchdog Report

[sc name="sourcelink" ]https://www.dailywire.com/news/fauci-collins-shared-in-secret-nih-royalties-totaling-350m-watchdog-report[/sc] By  Greg Wilson May 10, 2022   DailyWire.com Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and other bigwigs at the National Institutes of Health reaped more than $350 million in secretive “royalty” payments from drug companies and other third parties over a 10-year period, according to an explosive new report from a watchdog organization. The report […]

Congressional Investigation on CDC’s False COVID Vaccine Claims

DATED: MAY 9, 2022 BY SHARYL ATTKISSON Internal documents at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) ignited quite the firestorm when he contacted the agency to point out serious Covid vaccine disinformation that their top officials and vaccine scientists had signed off on. I reported on the story last year after … Read more

Sen. Ron Johnson Opens Probe into CDC Tracking Americans via Phone Data

By Human Events Staff  |  May 10, 2022 GOP Sen. Ron Johnson, a ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, opened an investigation into the CDC for tracking Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic via phone data. Indeed, the CDC paid one company $420,000 to access location data for at least 20 million … Read more