- The People's Convoy
- 1,000 COVID Stories Stories of people who have been harmed.
- After Skool Thought provoking short videos on highly intellectual topics
- Airline Employees for Health Freedom
- Airline Employees For Health Freedom
- Alliance for Free Citizens model legislation
- AP4J Channel Airline Professionals for Justice (Telegram) AP4J was founded to support our diverse work groups in the airline industry. We believe in individual and religious liberty and bodily autonomy. We will put our very livelihoods on the line to resist being coerced
- Banners 4 Freedom
- Brighteon
- C-19 Early Statistics of other-than-vaccine treatments
- Children’s Health Defense by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Common Sense Club
- COVID Penalty Children's Health Defense Fund
- COVID Vaccine Reactions A news aggregator
- Daily Clout Naomi Wolf - political activism
- DarkHorse Podcast clips
- Dr Vernon Coleman
- Dr Wolfgang Wodarg Forced an official investigation at the Council of Europe which duly found the WHO to be guilty as charged of fraud.
- Fact Check Vaccine
- Forum of Young Global Leaders – World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab's school
- Freedom Fight US for making online campaigns
- Great Barrington Declaration As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
- Informed Consent Action Network At the Informed Consent Action Network, you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children.
- Jennifer Bridges $163,567 raised of $500,000 goal 1.8K donors 23K shares 1.8K followers Share Donate now 10 people just donated Anonymous $50 Recent donation Anonymous $50,000 Top donation See all See top Jennifer Bridges is organizing this fundraiser. A lot of you know me by now. My name is Jennifer. I'm helping to fight for the rights of the employees of Houston Methodist. They will terminate us if we do not comply with taking the covid vaccine by June 7th. Whether we are comfortable with it or not they do not care. We are simply asking for more time, proper research, and fully FDA approved before injecting it into our bodies. Every approach so far we have tried does not work with them. They have clearly showed they do not value their employees. Help us fight this battle by giving us the power to have a lawsuit against them! The lawsuit is filed and we currently have 117 employees on board.
- Lawyer List
- Liberty Council organization that helps you get Religious Exemptions when corporations make it difficult
- makeamericansfreeagain
- Online telemedicine using the Medici smartphone application. They can prescribe drugs like Ivermectin, which you can then get filled at a local pharmacy.
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Principia Scientific International
- RAIR Foundation USA
- Siri Glimstad Law Can help you with vaccine religious exemptions.
- Stand For Health Freedom
- Stew Peters Show
- Stop Vax Passports
- The Delingpole Channel – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
- The Highwire with Del Bigtree
- The Highwire, Del BigTree News, podcasts, videos
- Time to Free America
- Truth for Health Foundation
- Truth for Health Foundation
- VaxAction Private party vaccine adverse event reporting. You should always file a VAERS report (government) and then put it here too.
- Vaxx Choice
- Dr. Sheri Tenpenny
Doctors and Scientists
- Andrew Kaufman MD
- Dr Vernon Coleman
- Dr Wolfgang Wodarg Forced an official investigation at the Council of Europe which duly found the WHO to be guilty as charged of fraud.
- Dr. Clare Craig Dr Clare Craig, Diagnostic pathologist
- Dr. Robert W. Malone Inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology.
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Mobeen Syed, M.D. M.S. DrBeen
- Pure Health Med A doctor who speaks out on use of Ivermectin for COVID-19
- Dr. Sheri Tenpenny
- Airline Employees for Health Freedom
- Alliance for Free Citizens model legislation
- Children’s Health Defense by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP)
- Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program Summary Sheet
- COVID Penalty Children's Health Defense Fund
- Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19
- HHS FAQ on Informed Consent
- Informed Consent Action Network At the Informed Consent Action Network, you are the authority over your health choices and those of your children.
- James Mermigis New York City lawyer fighting for freedoms and rights
- Lawyer List
- Liberty Council organization that helps you get Religious Exemptions when corporations make it difficult
- Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
- Siri Glimstad Law Can help you with vaccine religious exemptions.
- The Delingpole Channel – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
- Bianca Gracia Fighting for medical freedom
- Forum of Young Global Leaders – World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab's school
Religious Resources
- Children of God for Life guidance on vaccines and use of fetal cell lines
- C-19 Early Statistics of other-than-vaccine treatments
- COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis
- EudraVigilance
- Global Vaccine Checker
- MedAlert (VAERS) Query of COVID-19 Vaccination Deaths MedAlerts uses VAERS source data but makes it easier to navigate.
- VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- YellowCard UK equivalent to the US VAERS government reporting database
- COVID Long Haulers
- T-Detect Test This test looks at t-cells, which store long term viral immunity information. Antibodies are short term and your body ceases to produce them over time, so testing for antibodies is unrevealing.
- After Skool Thought provoking short videos on highly intellectual topics
- Brighteon
- DarkHorse Podcast clips
- Dr Vernon Coleman
- DrBeen Medical Lectures
- Drbeen Medical Lectures
- FLCCC Weekly Update
- The Highwire, Del BigTree News, podcasts, videos