See How Bad the Vaccine Is That You Took
Vaccines come in serialized ‘batches’. This website tells you what other people reported for that batch of vaccines. Simply type in the Lot Number found on the vaccination card you were issued. Note: this entirely depends on voluntary reporting. The entire medical system has been punishing medical professionals for reporting. VAERS historically underreports, meaning that things that should be reported are not being reported. Historically it’s been 1% to 10%. It’s probably far lower with COVID vaccines.
- Direct link to where you type in your Lot Number:
Numbers from the Government VAERS System
Click on the screenshot to get the latest numbers.
source: Live VAERS data
Note: this is temporarily correlated data, in other words, it is a time and place correlation. It is not a causal relationship which means that it is not conclusive proof that death and injury was caused by vaccines. However, the data serves as a safety signal that indicates a problem of epic proportions, regardless of the type of correlation made.
- 22,607 COVID vaccine deaths (9/10/2021) – that’s 2x more than ALL 30 years of ALL vaccines combined. 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine (FDA ‘approved’) killed 25, was canceled, and forced the CDC director to resign.
- 946,514 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines (noted 10/8/2021) [source].
- 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.
- Source: US CDC VAERS: VAERS has been studied to reflect 1% to 10% of the entire population of vaccinations with and without adverse events. Therefore the above numbers are very conservative – the real numbers are probably 90-99% greater (based on historical analysis).
- Contrast to: Total death count from ALL vaccines over 30+ years = ~6,000 deaths (VAERS) [source].
- Previous vaccine trials, FDA stopped trials at 50 deaths (stating safety criteria was not met). [source]
- CDC: approx. 75% of new COVID cases (in at least one situation) were fully vaccinated. [source]
- Iceland & Israel – >80% population vaccinated: [source]
- Iceland: 70% new COVID cases = fully vaccinated
- Israel: 90% COVID cases = fully vaccinated.
- Massachusetts: 5,100 breakthrough cases, 80 deaths (1.5% death) for fully vaccinated. (3x death rate compared to unvaccinated, even without treatment) [source]
- A total of 335 kids under 18 have died from COVID *nationwide* since the pandemic started.
- In a normal year, it would hardly make the top 10 of highest causes of mortality – somewhere between food allergies and fire deaths.
- Child survival rate = 99.995%.
- Source: Drew Holden
July 26 cases vs. deaths snapshot (source: )
- Cases: 99,578
- Deaths: 332 (0.33% of all cases = 99.67% survival rate)
German pathologist: Out of 40 autopsies performed with 2 weeks of vaccination, 30-40% deaths were vaccine caused.
How Bad Is My Batch – data on adverse events broken down by batch
EudraVigilance (E.U. equivalent of VAERS) – [source]
- 15,472 Dead
- 1.5 Million Injured 1,509,266 (50% Serious – 753,657)
Scotland: 5,522 deaths within 4 weeks (28 days) of vaccination (reported June 22nd. Study range: 8 Dec 2020 to 11 Jun 2021, by Public Health Scotland).
- Note: not all of these were vaccine caused, but even a small fraction would still be very large.
- ~0.1% of total Scottish population.
- 0.1% in the USA would be > 331,000 dead.
- 1,877 deaths from Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
- 3,643 deaths from AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine.
- 2 deaths from Moderna mRNA vaccine.
- COVID-19 disease (not the vaccine) deaths = 596 (Mar 2020 to Jan 2021).
Aug 5, 2021
- “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated“
- “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people“
- “We are opening more and more COVID wards.”
- “The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out” (Dr. Kobi Haviv, Director of Jerusalem Hospital) (see Breakthrough Cases)
- At the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem:
- 72 Corona patients are hospitalized, and
- another 7 patients are soon expected to arrive.
- 25 patients -> in critical condition.
- 38 -> “moderate”.
- 9 -> “mild “.
- During the last day, 2 patients died.

CDC is lying about breakthrough cases
Swedish COVID deaths
- Source:
- Looks like Sweden’s strategy of no masks, no lockdowns has worked quite well. Sweden Resists COVID Hysteria: No Lockdowns, No Masks, No Vaccine, No Problem

Options for getting getting Government Data
Below are three options for getting US Government data.
- – This website provides an easier interface to VAERS data.
- An excellent ‘open source’ publishing of the US Government source VAERS data.
- Provides a quick read “COVID Related Deaths” count.
- VAERS – Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- Federal government database that amasses voluntary reports of vaccine adverse events from health care providers. It’s voluntary nature results in a capture rate of only 1% to 10%, depending on the event. This means that you can add one or two zeroes to any number to project the true number.
- The system called Wonder allows for detailed queries.
- VAERS Wonder Step by Step Guide on how to retrieve the total COVID-19 death count.
UK Yellow Card System
- UK equivalent to the USA VAERS government system.
- Statistics Summary:
“I would, therefore, like to draw your attention to the high number of covid-19 vaccine-attributed deaths and ADRs that have been reported via the Yellow Card system between the 4th January 2021 and the 26th May 2021. In total, 1,253 deaths and 888,196 ADRs (256,224 individual reports) were reported during this period”. Reference: ‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans
Other Statistics Websites
- USA Facts – General statistics such as COVID cases and deaths.
- Covid-19 Vaccination Tracker
Effectiveness of Non-Vaccine Treatments
COVID-19 Death Rates
Note: these are not corrected for false statistics such as “believed to be COVID deaths”.

Annual Deaths Among Children in the United States

Historic National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Payouts
Note: COVID-19 vaccines are not covered under VICP. COVID-19 is arbitrated under Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).
Source data: Health Resources and Services Administration:
Vaccine Injury Petitions Dismissed
Adjudications – Permissions Dismissed
Payout Per Person
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