CDC whistleblower claims vaccine death toll far greater than VAERS is reporting, says attorney filing federal lawsuit
CDC whistleblower claims vaccine death toll far greater than VAERS is reporting, says attorney filing federal lawsuit
Anytime a death is attributed to a vaccine. This is any number of deaths (e.g. anytime statistics are released). Note: the “Deaths” category is for individual people.
CDC whistleblower claims vaccine death toll far greater than VAERS is reporting, says attorney filing federal lawsuit
Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.
Scotland Confirms 5,522 Deaths Within 4 Weeks of ‘Vaccination’ in a Population Smaller Than Minnesota Scotland Confirms 5,522 Deaths Within 4 Weeks of ‘Vaccination’ in a Population Smaller Than Minnesota According to government-provided records, nearly a 10th of a percent of Scotland’s population has died within 28 days of receiving a Covid-19 shot. 0.1% of … Read more
Inflated Reporting of COVID Deaths Is a Real Conspiracy
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