Video: Ted Cruz Calls Mask Mandate Reversal “A Virtue Signal Of Submissiveness”

Video: Ted Cruz Calls Mask Mandate Reversal “A Virtue Signal Of Submissiveness” Texas Senator Ted Cruz responded to the CDC’s announcement this week that all Americans should wear face masks again, even fully vaccinated people, by labelling it the ultimate “virtue signal”. Speaking at a Senate hearing, Cruz said that while he believes in vaccines … Read more

Dan Crenshaw Tweets Stunning Revelation on New CDC Mask Guidelines

Link On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced a new mask guideline for students, teachers, and staff in K-12 to wear masks regardless of vaccination status, as well as in certain indoor settings, again, also regardless of vaccination status. The move was met with swift criticism, especially and including fromformer President … Read more

Government scientist who has advocated for more Covid controls is member of the Communist party

Link: She has reportedly been a member for over 40 years ByMason Boycott-Owen 25 April 2021 • 9:30pm A scientist who advises the Government and has advocated for more coronavirus controls is a member of the Communist Party. Professor Susan Michie, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, sits on … Read more

Planet Lockdown – Dr. Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP & Chief Scientist)

Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal

Summary extract: On July 26, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, California, and New York City said they would require some of their government workers to get the COVID-19 shot or be tested weekly. Veterans Affairs, with the move, became the first federal agency to mandate the vaccine. The Justice Department’s Office of Legal … Read more

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful” Further, the ruling suggested that any forced quarantine applied to healthy people could be a violation of their fundamental right to liberty. Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection. The specifics of the case concern four tourists entering the country from Germany … Read more