Biden: We’re Sending People ‘Door-to-Door, Literally Knocking on Doors’ to Check Americans for Vaccinations
Biden: We’re Sending People ‘Door-to-Door, Literally Knocking on Doors’ to Check Americans for Vaccinations
Any politician from around the world.
Biden: We’re Sending People ‘Door-to-Door, Literally Knocking on Doors’ to Check Americans for Vaccinations
Guess Who Knew In 1985 That Hydroxychloroquine Was Effective Against Viruses?
‘We don’t need consent to vaccinate your kids’…
As Adverse Reactions to Covid ‘Vaccines’ Reach 400,000, the Truth Must Be Spread Widely We’ve spent over a year debating nonexistent evidence that masks effectively protect against the spread of viruses. However, there has been little debate and few published studies on potential harms of mask-wearing, a reality that has allowed zealous maskers to aggressively push their mandate as harmless, with no downside. Well, now we have … Read more