Bill Gates Funded the Creation of a ‘Vaccine Passport’ Tracking System Long Before the Coronavirus Pandemic
Bill Gates Funded the Creation of a ‘Vaccine Passport’ Tracking System Long Before the Coronavirus Pandemic
Commonly used. This includes anything that relates to an organized plan: part of The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Event 201, New World Order, etc. It can be theory or fact. If it ends in everyone getting vaccinated or vaccine passports, then it’s PLANdemic.
Bill Gates Funded the Creation of a ‘Vaccine Passport’ Tracking System Long Before the Coronavirus Pandemic To protect Banner patients and one another, employees will be required to be vaccinated by November 1 PHOENIX (July 20, 2021) – To protect patients, team members and the community, today Banner Health notified its employees that being vaccinated for COVID-19 will be a condition of employment. With limited exceptions, all team members have … Read more
LIAR FAUCI BUSTED: 2018 Video Shows Dr. Fauci REINSTATING Gain-of-Function Research at NIH – Defending Its Use
Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative. On Tuesday, Senator Josh Hawley slammed a report that found just 12 people were responsible for a majority of COVID-19 misinformation, and the group that conducted the report. Worth sat down with Domenique Camacho Moran, a partner at Farrell Fritz, to discuss the legalities associated with going back to the office coming off a global pandemic. s many companies begin to reopen offices and bring employees back in, many are requiring that employees be fully vaccinated. But can companies actually require that of their employees … Read more
Scotland Confirms 5,522 Deaths Within 4 Weeks of ‘Vaccination’ in a Population Smaller Than Minnesota Scotland Confirms 5,522 Deaths Within 4 Weeks of ‘Vaccination’ in a Population Smaller Than Minnesota According to government-provided records, nearly a 10th of a percent of Scotland’s population has died within 28 days of receiving a Covid-19 shot. 0.1% of … Read more