Commonly used. This includes anything that relates to an organized plan: part of The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Event 201, New World Order, etc. It can be theory or fact. If it ends in everyone getting vaccinated or vaccine passports, then it’s PLANdemic.
COVID Cases Fell 40% in the UK After Restrictions Were Lifted, Proving the Experts Wrong Yet Again
COVID Early Treatment Revolution – Suppressed Treatment
The suppression of the information and the availability of Covid early treatment is a crime so intensely diabolical, that the adherents of the large scale suppression campaign are aiding in nothing less than Democidal Omnicide. Think for a moment, If there were cheap over the counter therapeutics proven to boost the immune system and save … Read more
Authorities “Won’t Hesitate” to go “Door-to-Door” to Perform COVID Tests on Australians
Canada to require vaccines for air travelers, federal staff
Attorney Thomas Renz Drops Bombs, Criminal Conspiracy, Hospital Admin Killing For Cash
CDC Shielding Approach Document Mentions “camps”
And how are people getting to these camps? Are they voluntary like going to a public park, or is a gestapo going to round you up? States such as Tennessee and Florida already have executive orders and laws to force vaccinate. What rights do you have when there? Can you be force vaccinated? Can you … Read more
Herd immunity ‘not a possibility’ with Delta variant
Head of Oxford Vaccine Group says vaccination won’t stop spread altogether.