The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming “Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated”

BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, DEC 14, 2021 – 11:07 AM Long before the vast majority of Omicron cases were among the vaccinated, and before CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted in early October that the Covid-19 vaccine does not prevent transmission, public officials, MSM pundits, and coffee shop doctors across the land were spouting insidious propaganda designed to shame people … Read more

Joe Rogan Experience #1747 – Dr. Peter McCullough (with video)

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New Columbia University “Vaccine” Study Drops Bombshell: VAERS Deaths Undercounted by Factor of 20

  By J.D. Rucker • Dec. 14, 2021 Since the beginning of the Covid “vaccine” era, we’ve used the CDC’s VAERS data to illustrate how dangerous the jabs are to people. With nearly a million adverse reactions and approaching 20,000 reported deaths following the Covid injections, it’s clear that we’re well beyond the “rare” occurrences that vaxx-nannies tell … Read more

Federal Judge Strikes Down DOD Claim That Pfizer’s EUA ‘Vaccine’ and Comirnaty Are ‘Interchangeable’

by Ethan Huff  December 4, 2021 Judge Winsor did, however, reject a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. military’s Chinese Virus injection mandate. A hearing for that case is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022, which is nearly 10 months down the road. Judge Winsor’s decision about the EUA injection from Pfizer-BioNTech also … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone – Omicron variant, traditional vs. mRNA vaccines

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Dan Ball (OAN) w/ Dr. Robert Malone – Vaccines Neither Safe Nor Effective

Real America – Dan Ball W/ Virologist, Immunologist & Inventor of MRNA Vaccine Technology, Dr. Robert Malone (December 9, 2021)  

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely’

Dec 05, 2021 06:33 AM ‘If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested “booster” will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent?’ A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine months. … Read more

New Study Shows 41-FOLD DROP in Pfizer and Moderna Effectiveness Against Omicron While Natural Immunity Shines

[sc name="sourcelink" ][/sc] By J.D. Rucker • Dec. 8, 2021 A study out of South Africa, rushed to preprint before peer review to give the world hard data about the Omicron scariant, revealed that the Pfizer and Moderna Covid jabs offer essentially zero protection against the mutated coronavirus. Those with natural immunity from previous infections […]

Dr. Robert Malone: 500,000 American COVID patients didn’t have to die

Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology decries blocking of treatments By Art Moore Published December 6, 2021 at 7:08pm Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, believes more than 500,000 American lives could have been saved if Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government health establishment did […]