Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening

Fantastic documentary exposing the Globalist elite plan to install Communism by using the same methods used throughout history.  Architected by the World Economic Forum (WEF) under Klaus Schwab, corporations work with governments to force civilization into an Environmental Social Governance (ESG) agenda which also exploits a sub-agenda of causing social conflict to divide and conquer … Read more

WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports

The digital system ‘will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,’ according to the WHO. Andreas Wailzer Comments  138 Mon Jun 5, 2023 – 1:55 pm EDT GENEVA (LifeSiteNews) — The World Health Organization and the European Union announced their collaboration on global digital … Read more

Peer-Reviewed Study: ‘The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19’

BY BEN BARTEE 3:01 PM ON MAY 30, 2023 The pre-print for this study, prior to the peer review process, came out late last year. It showed, in a nutshell, that more COVID-19 shots correlated to a greater risk of contracting COVID-19. But the COVIDians predictably, in eternal denial as is their nature, pounced on the fact that … Read more

Pfizer’s “Charitable” Donations Align Perfectly With Influencing “Vaccine” Pushers

By J.D. Rucker • May. 29, 2023 Since the Covid-19 “vaccines” were rolled out 2.5 years ago, many Americans have been noticing Big Pharma companies exerting their influence. Pfizer in particular has become a meme through their constant advertising on television. It seems like everything from the Oscars to soap operas are “Brought to Your By Pfizer.” But … Read more

Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance

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WHO do you think you are? Outrage over ‘unprecedented land grab’ that ‘could see World Health Organization force Britain, the US and Australia into lockdowns in future pandemics’

The WHO could order governments to impose rules in future disease outbreaks Tory MPs have called for a block on powers that would dictate UK health policy By EMILY CRAIG SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE UPDATED: 12:07 EDT, 26 May 2023 New powers could potentially plunge Britain, the US and Australia into lockdown measures at the whim … Read more

WHO power grab

Article by Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) My previous videos Mr. Rob Roos MEP WHO could gain powers to impose lockdown on UK MPs fear new treaty designed to increase the organisation’s powers would enable it to enforce border closures and vaccine passports A … Read more

Medicaid Physicians Criminally Bribed to Coerce Parents Into COVID-19 Vaccination

BY BEN BARTEE 4:53 PM ON MAY 27, 2023 I’m not sure how this microcosm of the rot in the American healthcare system slipped by me — until now, thanks to reporting from RFK Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense. Via Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid provider bulletin, July 2022 (emphasis added): Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is one of the … Read more

Pediatricians Get Paid to Push Vaccines — and It’s No Small Amount of Cash

05/25/23 By  Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at a glance: Primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID-19 shot. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid doctors $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab. Doctors have been … Read more

Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field And 5G Exposure Experiments With C19 Vaccinated Blood

ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD MAY 26, 2023 I have previously posted our findings on clotting evaluation of C19 vaccinated blood. Blood samples had been drawn of three C19 vaccinated individuals. Two were vaccine injured and one was completely asymptomatic. All of the samples formed a yellowish rubbery layer on top after the sample was … Read more