New Columbia University “Vaccine” Study Drops Bombshell: VAERS Deaths Undercounted by Factor of 20

  By J.D. Rucker • Dec. 14, 2021 Since the beginning of the Covid “vaccine” era, we’ve used the CDC’s VAERS data to illustrate how dangerous the jabs are to people. With nearly a million adverse reactions and approaching 20,000 reported deaths following the Covid injections, it’s clear that we’re well beyond the “rare” occurrences that vaxx-nannies tell … Read more

Federal Judge Strikes Down DOD Claim That Pfizer’s EUA ‘Vaccine’ and Comirnaty Are ‘Interchangeable’

by Ethan Huff  December 4, 2021 Judge Winsor did, however, reject a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. military’s Chinese Virus injection mandate. A hearing for that case is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022, which is nearly 10 months down the road. Judge Winsor’s decision about the EUA injection from Pfizer-BioNTech also … Read more

Dr. Robert Malone: 500,000 American COVID patients didn’t have to die

Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology decries blocking of treatments By Art Moore Published December 6, 2021 at 7:08pm Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, believes more than 500,000 American lives could have been saved if Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government health establishment did […]

Research “Game-changer”: Spike Protein Increases Heart Attacks and Destroys Immune ​System

MIKE WHITNEY • DECEMBER 1, 2021  • 4,000 WORDS • 217 COMMENTS • REPLY “This is really a technology designed to poison people, there’s really no two-ways about it.” Dr. Michael Palmer on mRNA vaccines Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine cause heart attacks? Answer– It does, and researchers are closer to understanding the mechanism that triggers those events. Question– How can I be sure you’re telling the … Read more

At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead

The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against. Published: November 26, 2021, 9:30 am 427SHARES Share Tweet The current phenomenon is also evident … Read more

Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS

By Julian Conradson Published December 2, 2021 at 7:00am The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals … Read more

How Omicron Is Being Used to Blame Africa and the ‘Unvaccinated’ for the Many Failures of the Jabs

by Rob Verkerk Ph.D.  December 2, 2021 in Opinions Topline: Lockstep political decision to roll out leaky “vaccines” occurred around the world immediately following the Omicron announcement. Circumstances with a new, heavily mutated variant, vastly different population immunity and knowledge about “genetic vaccine” effectiveness, nothing like those 12 months ago when first generation COVID injections were rolled out globally. Omicron may … Read more

Vaccine inventor: ‘Fundamentally evil’ COVID policies harming children

Dr. Robert Malone tells WND the damage is ‘deep and profound and will last for decades’ By Art Moore Published December 2, 2021 at 9:25pm FRONT PAGE HEALTH POLITICSWND EXCLUSIVE Vaccine inventor: ‘Fundamentally evil’ COVID policies harming children Dr. Robert Malone tells WND the damage is ‘deep and profound and will last for decades’ By Art Moore Published … Read more

Medical Freedom: Stop Medical Tyranny – Exposing Hospital Abuses

Truth for Health Foundation conference features whistleblower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists exposing abuses and neglect of COVID patients in hospitals across the United States. Shocking medical tyranny stories reveal how hospitals are becoming the equivalent of medical jails where patient’s rights are violated and life-saving care denied. Prisoners in America’s prisons have … Read more

Pam Popper on Parallels with Nazi Germany

In this excerpt from Pam Popper’s “Planet Lockdown” full interview, Pam discusses the parallels she sees between what happened in Nazi Germany, and what’s happening today. Find the full interview and details on the upcoming documentary at: Find Pam Popper at