COVID-19: A Pandemic Of Misinformation

OAN Newsroom UPDATED 3:12 PM PT – Tuesday, October 26, 2021 A frontline doctor is hoping to clarify information surrounding COVID-19. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Judge holds hospital in contempt of court for refusing ivermectin to COVID patient on ventilator, ignoring court order

CHRIS ENLOE December 14, 2021 A Virginia hospital was held in contempt of court Monday after refusing to administer ivermectin to a woman who has been battling COVID-19 since early October. What are the details? Kathleen Davies, a 63-year-old northern Virginia woman, became severely ill with COVID in October, and she has been on a … Read more

Joe Rogan Experience #1747 – Dr. Peter McCullough (with video)

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Medical Freedom: Stop Medical Tyranny – Exposing Hospital Abuses

Truth for Health Foundation conference features whistleblower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists exposing abuses and neglect of COVID patients in hospitals across the United States. Shocking medical tyranny stories reveal how hospitals are becoming the equivalent of medical jails where patient’s rights are violated and life-saving care denied. Prisoners in America’s prisons have … Read more

Florida doctor will refuse to treat unvaccinated patients

By Patrick Reilly September 6, 2021 7:50pm  Updated A South Florida doctor became the second physician to make the contentious decision to refuse treatment to unvaccinated patients in a COVID-ravaged state. Lina Marraccini, a primary care doctor in South Miami, chastised patients for a “lack of selflessness” in a letter that claimed the unvaxxed pose too … Read more

How Rockefeller Created the Business of Western Medicine

Eric Schmidt, L.Ac, Dipl. O.M. As an alternative medicine practitioner I have a lot of conversations with patients who are disenchanted with the current Western medicine system.  This disenchantment is both related to the quality of care they receive and also the way in which the business of Western medicine is conducted.  This post is a brief … Read more

Texas doctor suspended, banned from giving ivermectin to critically ill COVID patient

Raymond Wolfe – Tue Nov 23, 2021 – 10:18 pm EST HOUSTON (LifeSiteNews) – A Houston doctor resigned from one of Texas’ largest hospitals after being suspended for backing ivermectin as a COVID treatment and denouncing vaccine mandates. Dr. Mary Bowden, a private-practice ear, nose, and throat doctor trained at the Medical College of Georgia, was temporarily suspended … Read more

Republicans question politics behind Biden decision to ration COVID treatment

Susan Ferrechio September 15, 2021 Republican governors are slamming the Biden administration following an announcement it would restrict the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments, one of the only medically sanctioned remedies for those who have contracted COVID-19. The move has also earned criticism from red-state medical officials who fear it will further overwhelm hospitals dealing … Read more